Earn Your Damn Audience First Before You Start Complaining about Engagement

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

And then when you actually do earned them, you won’t be concerned with engagement at all. Once in a while I just happen to come by some post or comments expressing the lack of engagement in the platform and to some degree I can empathize. But after sometime studying how other social media platforms work and people’s interactions with content, some realizations just can’t be helped.

Rather than whine about low levels of engagement between users, one just needs to ask the question on whether the content or the user does something that makes them worth engaging in the first place? It’s easy to say we got a trend of users that don’t really care about engaging with other users but do we have a trend of consistent quality content pumped out that merits a lot of attention?

If 20 people came by your post, clicked it, spent less than half a minute scanning and left without any further action, who’s fault is it when your content didn’t get any engagement beyond a view of less than a minute? I’m sure those 20 people had bad taste in content. That’s much more pleasing to entertain for the ego. They should adjust to your entitled liking and how dare they not appreciate your post the way you want. To ignore your calls for discussion about your great ideas and what not.

Listen, if 20 people came by your post organically and didn’t gave a flying fuck about it, it just means your content wasn’t worth their time to be bothered with. Maybe some would leave an upvote as a tip for your effort saying at least you tried but that’s the usual fucks people can really do online when they are presented with content that doesn’t compel them to go past the upvote barrier at least. Be thankful they bothered to view it anyway and do better next time like using a clickbait title.

In my last post, I talked about how much you can gauge your content's value and it got around 22 unique views (not counting those that use Brave browser) and an average of 200 seconds of reading time. I hit my quota of 10 unique views per post and I’m happy with that even without the votes or comments. The comments, votes and follows are nice but my objective was to have people read it long enough towards the end because it takes a lot of skill to make people read through a thousand word shitpost. Retention > Click and Run.

So for most people that think votes and comments are the only hints that their posts are being engaged with, you might need to broaden your metrics as there are other subtle digits that tell your content matters more than you think. People online have a SHORT attention span and leaving meaningful comments is taxing. It takes so much energy to read a long post and comment thoughtfully but if you manage to get a lot of people to do that on your posts, that’s great, you’re doing something right.

Now I don’t really care if I get comments on this shitposting account. I’ve already marked my own success metrics from what the views can generate and the retention time people can stay on the post.

Any content creator playing the 4D game of content creation would be aware that there are barriers to engagement they need their audience to overcome. Here’s the difficulty level: Upvote/Downvote < Comment < Follow < Repeating the first three as a long term relationship.

Going back to the first call that got you here: Earn your damn audience first before your start whining you got none. Even the tiniest of details matter such as having concerns for the readability of content. Use 3-4 sentences when making a paragraph than do a wall of text that ain’t mobile friendly to read.

Have you seen videos on Youtube and Facebook having hundreds and thousands of views, but there’s a disproportionate amount of emojis and comments on the content? When you’re passively viewing content, it takes less effort and your view count is considered engagement by the invisible algorithm, taking some extra seconds to put a heart emoji on the content also counts as another level of engagement reached, then the comment and subscribe buttons involves the higher tiers of effort.

It's natural to get a lot of views/votes but only a small fraction of those participants can take it up to the next step when it comes to engagement with commenting back and forth as an upper tier. When you engage with the comment and reply process, you're already doing what most can't be bothered with and that's a subtle way of doing public relations.

Looking back at the people I follow, almost half of the names I subscribe came from me spotting their comments and not their posts. People underestimate the impact of visibility just by leaving a trail of comments.

Engagement takes effort and people online have short attention spans, lazy and want instant gratification with as little effort as possible to be invested. When people follow/subscribe, they aren’t in it for the content, they also subscribe to the personality behind the content so if you behave like a generic person posting content people can find anywhere else online, then you’re going to be treated like a generic stranger.

You really need a lot of gimmick to make people rise up to those levels of effort for that comment you are so depraved to have on your posts and that takes skill.

Wanting the benefits of fame without having the skills to earn them is entitlement. Whining about engagement on your posts without having any content that skillfully compels an audience to engage is entitlement. Welcome to the real world where those who don’t have the skills to attract attention gets the cold shoulder.

And it’s not all the time it’s your fault, let’s say you are about anti-censorship, well tough luck for you if you’re posting in a place where most don’t give a fuck about censorship until they are directly affected by it. I’m saying right content wrong place to promote. Ever consider that maybe you are doing everything right in terms of content creation except posting on the right platform? This place has a small crowd with diverse interests and those interests are mostly aligned with what the average folks are into.

So if you happen to be into STEM, philosophy, conspiracy, and anti-censorship, expect that you’re going to have less eyes on those types of content because the platform just has too few content consumers that can stroke your ego on those topics. So is it the platform’s fault that you’re unskilled at advertising your junk in a low traffic area?

Here’s a life hack that’s going to help you thrive on Hive, avoid getting self absorbed and go out your way and start getting interested in people. I’m not saying comment on their post nice and thanks for sharing, I’m saying get interested with people that share common interests with you. Most losers spend less time doing public relations and cry why curators aren’t picking up their shit posted once they churned it out to the abyss of the network.

Trust me, most of the votes I cast out aren’t because I like the content, these are a combination of automated trail voting, manual curation on content I like, and manual curation to the person I like. Sometimes the votes just come not because you made a fucking good job on the post, they come because people like you and your stuff just comes in second. People subscribe to a personality and it’s less about the content.

I’m not interested in everything that shows up on my follow feed and I’m sure the people that follow me aren’t interested in the stuff I post sometimes. And that’s natural.

You don’t necessarily watch every content that’s trending on Youtube or other social media sites to engage with it. And when you do like something, how often do you cast a vote, follow or comment on content you like? Yeah, nobody has all that time in the world to do those every time. Then how much more can you be compelled to engage with a stranger’s content that you hardly care for?

Anyone can make the best post about apples on Hive, and I may click upvote on it but that’s the most engagement it can get from me cause I just don’t like apples but appreciate how well written the post can be. So does that mean the content creator did something wrong if several other people shared the same sentiment as me?

Don’t take it personal if your content made got no attention beyond an organic upvote. People are entitled to their own preference on what posts they want to engage and this isn’t within your control. It’s wasteful thinking to be concerned about low levels of engagement. The problem isn’t on the audience side but the burden is on the creator’s side to make content compelling enough to make their audience care about.

Attention is the social currency of the platform dear, you give the value to others and it’s a gamble on whether they’d reciprocate it or not which most of the time they would as people have a strong sense of reciprocity. But it also depends on the quality of attention you put into the relationship that makes your long term connection with your audience work. People would know if you’re just doing shit for the votes.

And because attention is a currency, spending it on others means you spend less attention to yourself and people don’t want to see the self absorbed jerking their own posts. The first 10 people you can get to give a fuck about you is the hardest and the numbers after that will eventually snowball to bigger things. That’s how all content creators start on any platform. It’s always the first 100 or 1000 quality followers they need to earn before they snowball into fame.

But people don’t get that logic because they expect that each post they would churn out will already merit them the attention they think they are entitled to. Because if doing quality public relations were easy everyone would be doing it. And it ain’t easy that’s why everyone else sucks at it and only few can actually thrive on the platform because they know how to do it. This is a social network and you just read a post form a refined shitposter.


It was much harder to build my twitter account that it was to build my original account here and both took some time and engaging with others.

We tend to care more about opinions and daily stories from people we know than people we don't know, so one of the best ways to improve engagement is to go engage with others.

It was much harder to build my twitter account that it was to build my original account here and both took some time and engaging with others.

It's a small knit community so everybody who makes effort connecting will eventually be found sooner and given the nature of how few names pop up from the masses compared to twitter's fast paced feeds, we get more time to review and catch up on some people we favor.

Sorry, I overlooked this comment when I was making some rounds catching up on Hive stuff. Yeah, public relations ain't easy and it's what mostly get one's name off out there but it's a prerequisite to anything good like having good relations with people irl. You think something so basic gets undervalued.

Most people would know the answer to their worries about not getting noticed but they ain't willing to put in the work making it happen and would just settle for churning out content in the abyss hoping someone notices their worth. Social relations don't work that way and some may find a stoke of luck if they be in a place where there are more people seeking out others than secluding to their own circles but online.

I botched my public relations cross platform because I just don't have a lot of free time connecting with people of similar interests due to real life stuff so I can't really complain if I become forgotten on those platforms instantly where people have scarcity of other people to keep them occupied.

If I had a penny for every time I have told people who complain about engagement (lack of) to actually engage with others first... I would have a lot of pennies!

You'd be rich. Filthy rich in tokens as the number of users registering by the day increases proportionate to the need to get them a reality check on what to expect. If one doesn't care about what the community is doing, why should the community care about what one is doing? that's why I just skip some posts made by users that have barren comments on other users, their content may be decent but the lack of interaction makes me consider think I'll be supporting a non-team player and that makes me say nope on the upvotes. Content is one thing but a team player personality is what we all need for any community to thrive.

I generally don't comment if the blog post doesn't inspire discussion. I leave the post feeling like there's nothing further to be said. There are some posts that are clearly meant to get a rise out of you, which I don't comment either. I'm long past wanting to have an Internet argument. I'm happy to leave the writer to be wrong.

I don't think you're wrong. I tend to wander around Hive finding interesting content. But, I don't have an established audience that comes back regularly to read what I write. And, I also don't tend to follow any set of writers exclusively. Therefore, not memorable to them. I have started delving into communities. They tend to be smaller audiences who are more supportive of each other within the community. Outside of the community, crickets. That's just the way it is.

I like to go into places where I can get some arguments going for kicks and giggles. Has something to do with avoiding the crowd think where if I stick to my yes crowd I'm not going to be open-minded, discussion happens when there is conflict to be resolved and I like stuff be built from conflict in a productive way that is. It's also nice to have some chill discussions like casual talks once in a while.

There aren't a lot of content consumers to go around but there are gems polished when some relationships can be built. The good kind I mean. I don't really read the content of everyone I follow, there's just too much time to cover and I got less time online to do all that so the most I could give is a few manual votes and small comments then catch up the next time.

I say creators just don't have to take it hard on themselves if they don't get a lot of engagement often, it's either they don't have skills or people are just too preoccupied with other stuff. It's a vague area not knowing whether you're good or not as a content creator when you can't get feedback all the more reason I appreciate people that can go past the engagement barrier and tell it straight what one needs to hear, be it praise or criticism. I don't know if this makes sense or not but I do appreciate you taking the time to make that lengthy reply. Not what I often expect to see which makes it more impactful. :>

actually I'm quite surprised about the votes I get lately

good post :)

@tipu curate

More comments on random strangers more chances getting your name out there at 0 marketing costs. :>

yeah, I really tried hard in connecting 1 or 2 years ago
then I had a break (cuz of my personal shitlife) and now I just comment what I like ^^

“Content” is just my way of paying for games on Hive.

Aye, more tokens for the cheap games, owning some expensive cards on splinterlands to have them rented feels like buying apartments and getting some passive income. A new side quest other than Dcity

Doctor who hates apples... I think I already heard that one 😂. Another nice read dude. I think I am one of those people that also want views but doesn't have the skill to captivate any audience. In a way, this post is like a wake up call that every post I make will not be a banger and get many upvotes. It is essential not to stroke your ego so much especially in this platform becuase Hive has an upvote system that involves money. If every upvote you get went to your head and inflate your ego you will get deluded and think your content is worth the views but in reality it is just some dude upvoting every post for curation reward. As a blogger... I mean a shitposter I should hone my skill and make content worth the click.

Your post is like you are talking about me but in reality I think this is just human nature and many people feels ths way. I must work in my entitlement issues because nobody wants an entitled prick that thinks the world revolves around him and expecting everthing to be served in a silver platter.

The post blew up and I just slept right after I posted it. Wonders of the blockchain. Here's a piece of advice to being happy with your rewards, expect none of it and just let people decide how much value they want to put into it. If your number 1 fan happens to give only 0.01$ because that's the most they coudl give at 100% with their stake versus someone that gives 0.1$ with 5% of their stake that doesn't give a fuck about your content, who do you think is worth keeping in your circle?

Depends on your priorities really, some would opt for the latter because that's that puts food on the table and this is a real scenario. Some just post for the money and feel entitled to more attention because that leads to more money. When I made this shitposting account, I only had one goal in mind, not to clutter my main account's blog page but still have an avenue to shitpost the hell I want so that meant 0 expectations that it would go anywhere. Do what you love and worry less about the rewards, you live happier on the blockchain that way.

So many times people complain about not getting enough attention to their blogs in the Hive Discord, and I have told people to go make friends - establish social connections, build your social network, find those with similar interests and have honest discussions with them. Very few will do it. In truth, I think they do not want to be bloggers and have no interest in seeing social capital turn to actual capital - they only want capital and thought this would be an easy way to get it

If you enjoy being social, it is a relatively easy way

If someone has spent their whole life trying to figure out how to make money without having to deal with, ugh, people, they probably won't find much success with blogging either hahaha

Well refined shitpost. You are touching the hearts and minds

You'd be rich and earning a dollar by now if you converted those cents into Hive and powered up.

EDIT: Cents in reference to figurative currency where the amount of value you put into caring to give people sound advice.

they only want capital and thought this would be an easy way to get it


establish social connections, build your social network, find those with similar interests and have honest discussions with them. Very few will do it. In truth, I think they do not want to be bloggers and have no interest in seeing social capital turn to actual capital

Can't be helped. When a platform advertises itself as a paid to earn blogging site, it attracts people to get paid to earn for their blogs, there should be a disclaimer something related to grounding their expectations.

People know the gist of benefits to hustle trying to get their name out there but they dislike the idea of allocating some hours building their audience daily and in the long term because that's too much work and then envy those that actually do commit doing their engagements on a daily basis because those that worked for their reputation are reaping social rewards built up over months of consistency.

They know the answer most of the time, they're just not willing to work to make it happen. This platform is a weird place to be, it borders between a social media and a platform for content monetization failing both functionalities yet somehow tries to put it together.

Facebook wouldn't get people to be stingy with their votes/emojis, and Youtube would get people to be more competitive with their content to grow their community, but on Hive, people are somewhere in between that zone and the soonest way to make peace with the platform is deciding whether one really wants to be creating content worth the social reward or just go free willy on whatever they want to share.

This is all so so true... thanks for writing about it.
In fact someone who communicates a message people so well that tons of people want to read/hear it will go out of their way to go wherever that person is posting to read that content. We don't have a ton of those on hive/peakd but if we become the right type of location on the internet those people will come here and the people will follow them.
We aren't there yet but we are getting closer every day and focused on that goal over at peakd

It's quality community members versus regular members just posting for a the daily upvote quota. I see the blockchain has value and continues to be built but the message can get diluted because of the whole blog to earn scheme, we know it can be much more than that. Most just quit after not getting the attention they yearn without ever doing the things that could lead them to get that attention on the long term. As if they are going to get a better reception on another platform if they still start out as a nobody.

Peakd as a frontend is great, had less trouble trying to onboard new users on the platform using the peakd link vs other frontends and looking forward for further developments to make it more user friendly.

Glad to peakd helped ... don't hesitate to share your thoughts and hopes for the site with us

 4 years ago  

Everyone’s likes and dislikes are different. I try to keep my stuff at a certain length. The only persons posts I would read word for word every time they came out was @perceptualflaws. Those were a wild ride!

Engagement is good but you have to have give and take. If you don’t engage with users in their posts don’t expect any engagement on your posts is how I’ve lived my mantra.

Engagement is good but you have to have give and take. If you don’t engage with users in their posts don’t expect any engagement on your posts is how I’ve lived my mantra.

Sums up the post without the flare. Most just don't get this simple fact. Any user that gets this can thrive on any social platform. That's just how real life works and it's also dumbfounding at times to see some don't get the give and take part.

 4 years ago  

Yeah I know lol. It’s not a new thing but people expect to post and get instant people all over their stuff. I’ve seen some promising new users that have awesome content but they don’t engage with people and their first post was well received but the ones after that wane and they get nothing if they don’t engage. Seen it happen several times myself, and you’ve probably seen it as well.

My wife runs a successful small business out of our house and she spends the bulk of her time engaging with people on one of the other major social media platforms instead of selling and that’s what’s gotten her a dedicated group of people who buy stuff from her. Bottom line is engagement is key!

They buy the personality but the content rationalizes the spending habits. Attention is a social currency we got and not the digits that goes with the likes/dislikes this platform has.

Seen it happen several times myself, and you’ve probably seen it as well.

I'd say always if I count what I see cross platforms.

Thanks for stopping by :>

Resumindo: Conheça seu público e entregue conteúdo pertinente, desejado, então seu público retribuirá com a atenção que você crê merecer. Isso tudo me lembrou de um certo homem que, 2000 anos atrás disse: "Há mais prazer em dar do que em receber" Atos 20:35
Parabéns pela postagem! 😜

Wasn't going to mind the extra need to go into Google translate to get this comment but I have a low threshold for appreciating some attempts at engagement. Yeah, that's part of the message.

This deserves more attention than say a rant or a shitpost.

Calling it a botched blurb seems too sophisticated. Got a small room to breathe in posting while waiting for directives to be quarantined again.

This your twink account?

I have multiple accounts and never used twink to describe them. Does this account arouse you by any chance?

No, just asking. And twink i hope i don't sound like an expert but its what Dota or LOL players say when they see a high level player play with their low level accounts.

In this case the reputation point on this account kinda told me.

Just read about 10% of the post because ybanezkim reblogged it. To pissed so cant be arse reading the full post at the moment.

No, just asking. And twink i hope i don't sound like an expert but its what Dota or LOL players say when they see a high level player play with their low level accounts.

Bruh... I fucking misunderstood your terms, here's how I understood your term

A "twink" is usually considered a homosexual male with attractive, boyish qualities.

Some slangs online can be thrown around giving off different meanings XD
But I did took it chill, though you didn't expect to hear this from me but my opinion about you changed for the positive months back, idk if you still remember our first heated interactions to something related to hivewatchers, anyway, I do lurk and saw you occasionally engaging and said yeah this guy is cool then moved on while keeping that on a mental note. You only reading this now cause you commented, I would've just kept that to myself if you didn't bother engaging. magic of the internet.

Just read about 10% of the post because ybanezkim reblogged it. To pissed so cant be arse reading the full post at the moment.

No problem man, take your time, it's a shitpost anyway. Thanks for stopping by!

It is a dose of reality and what you are sharing here is valuable. It is better than a shitpost. Enjoy some !PIZZA

Yum. I don't know about valuable, it's just a shitpost to me but somehow it makes content which is fine by me.

Yeah, it may be a shit post for you. For those who are new to hive or just starting of, they can get two or more lesson from this post so that they will not howl when they don't get the reward they expect. Or, why some gets bigger gain from post than her or him.

And when i try to engage with some accounts i got a "thanks" feedback. Lol

Its hard for me create this kind of discussion and engagement... But I'm working to improve it creating some disclosure and questions asked

We are used to comment with 'fist' - 'nice' - 'good' - or any others ine world comment... But sure we all going to change it, engaging with more meaningful comments and respect. Also Lot of haters behind anonymous profiles

I think that is the typical response. As mentioned, we often do thanks or good, and people will do it too. It is quite difficult to engage. I agree that it is on how we put out our comments that can ignite conversation. I think that your doing the rigth thing to find something to ask or some disclosure. It is on our nature to respond to whom we know or for some, who they can benefit with. It is always in the two side of a coin. Yeah, anonimosity can also hinder engagement. Have some !PIZZA

Maybe those are the only comments the person can afford to give anyway. You don't have to take it personal that someone out there didn't reciprocate the same level of value you give or more. It's just their preference to give you that amount due at that period for your time.

To expect people to give meaningful comments and be engaging is a recipe for disappointment. Rather, I think it's better to appreciate that even when they failed to meet your expectations, some acts of reciprocating attention were made than ignore you completely.

It's not all the time that people have something valuable to say to add to the conversation so an emoji fist bump is a neutral way of saying agreement and acknowledgement without admitting I got nothing to add to the discussion.

I totally agree.
Sometimes just few words are the right amount.

But when we are talking about build an audience and engage, it's good to try create that discussion on your post and attack more people for that discussion.

Otherwise you are missing people that tried to engage and you didn't follow the flow.

I think part of the reason is having an cross cultural insight to how the other person perceives flow. I mean, we can come from different cultures and each culture has their own manner of communicating disagreement from subtle to overt ways and it's expounded by the change in vocabulary. And sometimes people just don't want to put more energy on areas they can already agree or disagree on.

To be fully invested in a discussion and expecting the other to reciprocate that attention given online is just common courtesy but it happening online also means it may be asking too much. From both sides of the coin I can weigh in and excuse people for bailing out on the discussion no matter how invested I am into it, just cause they probably don't have the time to spare to dwell on it and that's perfectly natural.

Building and engaging is like a joke, it can be hit or miss and ones best bet is appealing to the general areas where mutual agreement can be reached rather than find resolution to a conflict that they may not be invested in the discussion at hand.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

If I had a penny for every time I have told people who complain about engagement (lack of) to actually engage with others first... I would have a lot of pennies!

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