I Faked my Content and Now I’m Rambling

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago

I’m coming clean. I have been having some guilt over receiving the rewards from my previous shitposts as I have not fully disclose the fact that all of my post were written by a different person. I hired a ghostwriter, @adamada. I’m sure some of you are shocked to know that this account has always been a fake poser after that revelation but hear me out first.

I’m doing several things at once and I just don’t have the time to be real. I knew that if people learned this content was ghostwritten, curators wouldn’t appreciate the lack of authenticity but I just had to maintain an image and muh rewards. I’m a faker and you’ve been falling for it all this time and that puts strain on my conscience so I’m sorry I got caught.

Anyway, enough of the BS intro, here’s my take on the ghostwriting business applied to Hive: It’s ok as long as you don’t get caught. That’s really the purpose of hiring a ghostwriting service anyway. There’s a demand for it and it thrives because of that demand.

It’s more efficient to tie the content a reputable name than have myself do it on the web. I mentioned this several times in the past, I used to work part-time as a freelance SEO / Content creator (fancy job title for a ghostwriter work) and the job can be quite complicated as I sometimes ghostwrite for a ghostwriter for another ghostwriter… yeah this setup is real and I get the least pay as being on the bottom of the food chain.

The thing is, if I were to present myself as a writer, there were a lot of competition on the market for cheap labor and I had to take the shortest route of tying my work with an established writer on a platform. I don’t have to mind that the higher ups get more $ for the effort I put in. None of those mattered because if I used my name on my own, it won’t be worth jack shit. A name in the industry requires a lot of time to build and time was something I don’t have when I needed quick cash to survive.

I also worked as a data analyst, digital map labeler, freelance tattoo designer, personal assistant for the Chief of Hospital, clerk for a travel and agency, virtual assistant, call center agent, sidewalk vendor, copy reader (not apparent in my writing now as I don’t strain myself to do formal English when shitposting), nurse, and currently a doctor. I might as well be Johnny Sins.

The lessons I learned going through these side hustles made me appreciate how fake work can be well rewarded with just having a good name in the industry. Several people who are viewed as a success just delegate some of the work to their subordinates and this is much more effective for the group because reputation brings in the money. That’s why I don’t really mind if someone out there uses a ghost writing service, just don’t get caught :P

You know people want something authentic to subscribe to and this trust is ruined the moment the facade has been exposed. You’re upvoting the person for doing the work and the value of them being authentic. So how is it really a surprise if a community reacts to it harshly?

And then there’s this commentary about witch hunts on Hive

It’s a 6k word post but I’ll just save you sometime: It’s mostly feel good fluff and indirect jabs at the antiabuse culture we got going. The post was all just virtue signaling and taking a dip at the issue when they can’t even be bothered to commit to a stand.

I’ve seen it several times. Anyone can tell you they oppose fraud but when the situation presents itself, the downvote button becomes untouched and you realized the branding was just a lip service. To think someone who isn’t actively involved in screening fraudsters would have so much opinion about something they aren’t really into. I’m sure loving Hive and marketing it elsewhere would have some merit.

I’m still marketing Hive, the antiabuse way of course.
It starts with me contacting an artists on their social media account and asking if they knew about Hive. If they say nope, then I tell them Hive is this and that and there’s a poser making money out of your content.

I’m done with spreading the word of how great Hive is to those artists as having their content monetized without their permission is how they got to know Hive. From the post linked above, an argument was made about content plagiarized, shared without due credit being a common occurrence on social media. Well I can’t dispute that, I have seen how legit creators can’t compete with fakers for visibility as seen from this long ass comment.

The thing that grinds one my of gears is how someone so verbose about witch hunting on Hive be so limited in their response when it comes to that comment that raises several concerns. I mean, come on, you can bore an audience with 6k words but you can’t be assed to stick out your neck on where you stand in the issue?

The best way to be influential is to take a course with less friction and that means being fluid not to make a decisive stand on where you draw the line. For someone that has spent hundreds of words making a commentary about antiabuse efforts on Hive, they certainly can’t be bothered with addressing some of the common abuse forms hunters see on a daily basis. Hive is a social bubble made of different bubbles and I’m guessing they live in a dream bubble. It hurts your branding when you make a stand for something because you know you won’t get support from the crowd on the opposite side. The best approach is just be vague and make slight commentaries with feel good messages.

It hits the right audience without actually answering the issue why antiabuse exist. Trying to sell the idea that content being plagiarize/remix/and influencers faking on social media as norm is ok? Because majority do it on other spaces it’s alright? Remember, this is the same culture on social media that struggling artists can’t get their name out for visibility as their watermarks and names are intentionally omitted. There are no sanctions on other social media platforms when they do this, maybe a DMCA takedown notice would. Hive is different, while you can’t stop people from being fakes, you can still prevent them from profiting being fake.

So I just summoned the inner devil in me and created @therealryzeonline where the origins can be found here. People complaining about downvotes don’t seem to think that upvotes can be as toxic to the platform too.

When you see a crayon drawing being posted by a grown ass adult earn dollars versus an artist working with watercolors and digital drawing get a few cents, exactly what message are those stakeholders/curators trying to give out to the public? Each week we got like less than 2% average of downvotes being made from the total voting activities being given on a daily basis.

I wanted to be an authentic shitposter and extend this post to 7k words to bore you. But I can’t. @adamada, my ghostwriter, has refused to write content for me.

I’m the only motherfather that points to the direct source of shitposting.

If you made it this far reading, thank you for your time.


Let there be carnage!

Bakit parang late yung comment? lampas na 7 days oh.
EDIT: nvm I thought it was passed 7 days. I don't really watch this account often unless someone comments on it.

I don't comment much. I'm an influencer ya know.

Can't believe I didn't see this last week! All the common sense in the world rolled into one post.

Well this account suffers from visibility. Cause you know, I don't get those big upvotes now that they know I'm a shitposter that hires a ghostwriting shitposter to do my shitposts.

I don't use a shit ghost writer, I'm just a shit writer who looks like I use a shit ghost writing ghost writer!
'Audentes fortuna iuvat' my friend and have a wonderful weekend :-)

I hate Jerrys.

In the end, they all resort to self-sucking to try and stay relevant