I've been thinking about the work from home setup and how much it changed how people approached work. It's not for everybody and every business but I can see how much this setup is a fantasy for introverts who just want to be productive while at the comforts of their own home.
After studying remote work for four years, they’ve concluded: working from home makes us happier
So which businesses do come out as the losers from the work from home setup? the ones owning the buildings offering the rental spaces, and the businesses surrounding those buildings. It turns out when you put people working at home, there's less reasons to rent out large office spaces that costs money and less foot traffic to local businesses.
It doesn't help that people can now shop at the convenience of their own homes or do business transactions from their mobile app. The transportation sector also gets fewer paying passengers so while work from home does increase the productivity and reduce health care cost per employee since they have less excuses for calling in sick to work, the mass adoption may mean sacrificing income for other sectors in the economy.
I still think about the patient that came in for consult a few days ago. They developed panic attacks that made them non-functional at work while having none of those symptoms ever while during the work from home setup since the pandemic. Who knew putting people at the comforts of their own home working at their own pace makes them even more productive right?
In my personal opinion, if employees are compensated based on the outputs and value they generate for their time, the attendance and presence factor in the office doesn't really matter. We're still going to get paid based on the reports made and not because we happen to be in office. Commute to work and trying to get adjustment in an environment that reminds you how much you're a wage slave doesn't seem like a good place for your mental health but somehow that's been the norm people got used to. So when the work from home setup became a thing, people got a taste of a better alternative and there are technologies adapted to further make people productive for their time and this made them happier.
I recall that one Japanese character in Gary Stevenson's book "The Trading Game" where he creates an excel sheet with the formulas and reports faster than the expected turn around time then deletes it again because the sooner you finish, the more work gets passed on to you. I get the sentiment, it doesn't matter if you get more outputs than other employees, most of the time you just get paid with the same incentive for your time and it's not worth it. But with work from home, you are incentivized to finish work sooner so you get plenty of time to do other fun stuff while at home without HR knowing.
While I do get that WFH setup may loosen some company culture and weaken bonds but I disagree on the idea that your co-workers are family. It's the same idiotic buzz as believing HR department is on your side, it isn't, it's on the company side and most of your co-workers don't really give a fuck unless you're within their click. I firmly believe that as long as someone is making money for the company, the company has less incentives to remove that person from payroll.
I wish my job can be done through work from home. Well, some parts of it can like teleconsult but most Filipinos don't have ready access to the internet that's affordable or devices that can handle it.
Thanks for your time.
Hands up, me. I get really bad anxiety in public and with so much sensory input I don't deal well. I need a decent WFH.job though that pays as well as emergency teaching!
When WFH setup was doable, it was proven that people didn't really need to be at work to create value. I make an argument about having an attendance doesn't mean anything, it just shows you showed up, doesn't mean you're efficient at your job. That's why WFH is literally letting people have their outputs speak for themselves.
Yeah definitely. The people asking for people to come back to office - it's like they learnt nothing at all from the last few years. Surely we can't rewind now
Working from home is definitely a unique scenario. It offers much better work life balances than other setups do, as many people have to commute into work and many people commute quite far. Not having to drive for hours per day is about the best thing that’s happened to me for working from home.
At the same time - there is certainly a camaraderie that happens in an office setting. I used to be able to get a call from a user who needed help and walk on over to the building to get them squared away. Now it’s all online which isn’t the worst thing but it just makes other things a little more challenging.
It boils down to customizing the job that suits the worker to make them efficient rather than blindly following tradition. If WFH can get fewer employees to call in sick and cost company lost hours from productivity than the average, why not? People save more money just by being at home and this prevents people from spending in ways online shopping and food delivery can't make up for the economy.
WFH setup was a blessing as I had time to be my uncle's caregiver and guardian while he was battling C especially during its worst moments. I can't imagine being able to do all those things when I have to go back and forth to the office daily.
I would still agree with a once a week office meetup for better collaboration. Some of my teammates cut off their rental apartments and moved to their homes which is still Metro Manila but just a bit far away.
One disadvantage of having an established wfh setup, zero business trips (free intl travel). We used to have quarterly on site meetings in one location, but since the pandemic, it's already 100% virtual. Not good for Asia folks since it's usually us who adjust from the rest of the regions.
One of the businesses affected by WFH setup alright. I make an argument that some companies do get to save more from leasing office space and less excuses from nonproductive employees calling in sick. But in general, a lot of people not showing up to work physically also means other businesses that profit from getting people present don't get to make money and it's a convoluted string of conflicted interest especially when politicians are part business owners affected by these changes.
The pandemic was really a game change and affected a lot of things, for better and for worse. For sure company maintenance costs have gone down and contributed to savings; however, the bigger concern of management is employee productivity. It really depends on the role though.
WFH normalization is a big win for employees for sure. As for economic impact, it's more of a shift from Central business districts to other areas which I think is a good thing. In business anyway, if you don't adapt, you die. So that's definitely a big adjustment for business owners.
Talking about politicians, they can really just come up with useless policies just to milk its people. One good example is Makati's health certificate requirement taht just started last year. Makati LGU started to require All employees to submit XRays only from select clinics and pay fees. That's generating revenue from scratch regardless of where employees live as long as office is in Makati. Smart.
@adamada, I paid out 0.640 HIVE and 0.148 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.