A New Years Resolution... of sorts.

With head grounding and ears ringing till the crows crow. I'm halfway between regretting stepping into a hellfire of a time getting assaulted by bangers that could rip a limb of they were closer when the go boom.

When i speak i echo inside my head. Like an empty concert hall sounds reverberating in every corner of my head. The time frame to it goes back to normal? Once upon a time in the Philippines booming next to me since the new years are a reason for more merriment.

Any excuse will do. Have nothing to do? Drink. No money? Drink. Stomach growling? Drink.

My head gut and ears are now in full effect of what a party is about.


Blaring into the street. Old men drinking. Tagay. Everywhere. Do I join? Heck yes. But not worth these old men. Maybe somewhere with a better view. Better company.

It's feeling like a very long weekend. No gym. Just rest and partying. Then two more days smc I'm off to Bali.

Bali baby, not Bali belly.

So I'm now in the new year with no state resolution. If i have to have one it will be to try and get that daily post for 365 days consecutive badge.

break page.png

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 2 months ago  

New Years resolutions are only good if we work to keep them. I try to stay away from them most of the time and instead start any day of the year on something important.

Good luck on your resolutions!