Being an Adult: WE Make it Difficult (or do we?)

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago (edited)

Hello dear readers! I am Alme, and I'll be trying a different and new style of blogging. I don't think I've ever written in this community (as far as I remember), and I think it's pretty neat. If you all already know me personally or at least read some of my blogs, you would know that I am the type to complain until I run out of words. My friends and family certainly know that well. So today, I'll be talking about being an adult and the cons that come with it.


So as someone who has reached the age of adulthood, there are some things that I became increasingly aware of when I crossed that time chapter. One thing is for sure: reality hits you like a ton of bricks. And here's the thing: I'm not even in my twenties yet!

As an Asian person and a Filipino, it's pretty normal that I still live with my parents/family. Our culture is pretty family-oriented; it would be CRAZY or unusual to see someone who is 18 move out or live separately from their family. One of the reasons for this is because of (again) our culture, and two is the cost of living and low salaries.

Warning: I'm just ranting, and this is mostly opinion-based. If you want to find out the specific statistics of the stuff I say here, I would encourage you to do research and maybe tell me about what you found, hehe. AND I recognize my privilege to be able to do the things that I do as I say it in this blog. Thank you!

Now, I am fortunate enough that I do not have to worry about moving out since my parents are more than alright that I only put most of my time and effort into my studies and nothing more. The intro was kind of serious, wasn't it? Let's get to the stupid stuff I want to rant about, shall we?


Being broke is quite a challenge when there are a lot of things that I want to buy. So backstory: as a child I never really wanted anything when it came to toys and things that I was supposed to enjoy. Okay, so it's not like I did not want to buy anything; it's just that I always tried my best to not bother my parents with the "insignificant" toys that I wanted to buy and play with. I was used to being told 'no' to, so I eventually stopped or lessened asking for anything.

Okayyy, let's cut the depressing backstory lol. Now that I've grown up, I'm turning into a tall child of some sort. It's being and feeling young, you know; it's quite refreshing. So that's where being BROKE comes in. As much as I try to save my money, I always find a way to spend it all on stupid shit I buy on the internet or stuff that I don't need at all. It's like I'm healing my inner child or something, to be honest. I don't even know if that would justify my newfound spending habit.

(I don't actually regret all the yummy food I was able to eat, and would spend money on food again in a heartbeat, I just wish I had more money to spend it on food hehe. The food pics are for thumbnail purposes only i guess lol)

Being broke is sooooo annoying. There are so many things that I want, but I really need the patience and the will to save a lot of money. I was appalled when I counted all the money that I saved from last year. I barely saved any money, and I even thought that I could buy a guitar with that money and more stuff. I was incredibly disappointed in myself; I could not believe my eyes. 😭. Even my 17-year-old self saved more money; I don't really know what happened (I do). It's all so dumb that I was the problem all along.


I was not aware that my spending habits were that bad. But to give myself some teeny tiny bit of grace, I was having a lot of fun. I bought myself some stuff that is pretty long-term; by the way, I could use those things till the end of time or something lol. And I also made sure that I would experience being young without worrying too much about how much everything cost. I spent time going out with my friends and loved ones.


I actually found a job opportunity. It was there on a silver platter despite all the sketchiness it brought. (I'm not mentioning the type of job or the company name). Jobs are sooooo difficult to find nowadays, and I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to get it due to the lack of approval from my parents. They're pretty much the type to say, "Study first." But hey, I really wanted to take the job super badly.

AGAIN, I did that to myself. I could've convinced my parents and worked around my schedule, but yeah. I'm still broke, but I don't want to be broke.

I don't even know what this blog is at this point, but it's new, unfinished, and messy lol. I hope you enjoyed this, my dear readers. It's like I'm showing myself in a totally different light. If you ask me if I would do something like this again, I would probably say meh, but yeah. I hope I get to achieve my dreams of being able to not worry about money, lol. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next one!


We are all broke in different aspects in life! It's okay to be feeling broke but not totraly broken.

You're absolutely right! Thank you