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RE: Writers deserve better payment (Bring in all the feelings) let's discuss this once and for all please hivers

In our society today, there are various institutions that all have their parts in the stability of the society. Like the woman who sells on the street, she has her part to play which is respected and given attention. These various institutions are appreciate d for their effort but not all are given in full.

But the truth is that writers or should I say the journalist are not given proper gratitude and recognition for their effort in the society. Some persons don't even want to read articles anymore. The work of a writer is to enlighten and open your mind to new knowledge and inventions but this efforts are neglected and given to different institutions who doesn't worth it.

Knowledge they say is power but in our present society, those who provide that knowledge are not recognized. Writers are researchers who are ready to go extra miles to collect and analysis data into information for our own use. Everyone needs the information a writer brings in every aspect of the other institutions.

Every job is important I'll say but writers need more recognition and attention.


I'm glad you could see reasons with me @barryjennifer , I just hope one day we will not wake up to seeing AI taking over this space!