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RE: This is About That

People need to awaken to reality. If a kid says one day she wishes she was a he, hold all the horse and out comes daddy war bucks to make all that happen, they never hear or listen to the other part, "because boys get to be doctors and lawyers and astronauts", where is all the money for the specialized training for HER to reach those goals??

 4 years ago  

What a nice surprise, thanks for checkin this one out! I can see that doctor/lawyer stuff, makes perfect sense. Not knowing boys are in gymnastics, though, that one still confuses me.

I never thought about the little girl saying she wants to be a boy for those reasons. Once pointed out though, it sucks. If it makes any difference, I've only had one drink bought for me one time, pretty sure my door has never been opened for me and I always have to drive.
