Days off

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago


In the next few weeks, I'll be having multiple holidays and I have to say, I'm really looking forward to it. The only thing I've learnt from working for a company is that you have to learn to enjoy your weekends and days off.

Back in the day, I use to live a life with minimal stress and all my schedules were self imposed. I didn't have any institutional targets to meet in terms of how I worked and my life was so much more laid back.

I could take as many breaks as I wanted and work at any time of the day. Living like that kind of takes all the stress away because you're really not working under any sort of pressure.

Institutions tend to have their specific rules that are in place to ensure things move in a certain direction. There's some BS inside but overall, it is about making profit for the business.

Despite being in my early 30s, this is only my second year of actively working for an organization and I've got to say, it is a strange feeling. I don't think my heart can take it for too long, which is why I constantly talk about my plans to "go solo" again and be a business.

Anyway, in the next few weeks, I have a couple of holidays booked in from work. Its strange how there's only 28 days of holiday in whole year.

I mean, I don't want free money for no work but just one month out of 12 months in the year is underwhelming. These are the bits about working for an institution that I'm coming to grasp with.

In any case, I'm looking forward to having a bit of a breather from the stress of the job.


Hey man, longest time. I see you've adjusted to your new life well. Congratulation man

 7 months ago  

Time off is so important to rest and recharge!