Home for now


After a long day of toiling, we're finally home. Today turned out to be yet another long a gruelling experience but I like to think that it is all part of the process.

After we took off from the National express coach station, we spent a bit over 3hours 30minutes on the road to Nottingham from London. Fortunately for us, our contact that helped us get our place in Nottingham was at the same National express bus terminal and he was also heading back to Nottingham, so we moved together.

He turned out to be an incredible help to us because not only did he aid out extra luggage situation, he also gave us a lift to our place but not before a small tour of Nottingham. I cannot quantify how tired and drained we were.

Our first move was an Uber that took us to one other person's house where we dropped our luggage. Afterwards, we made a couple of stops around Nottingham that included visiting a restaurant that gives you the "authentic feeling of Africa". Yeah right, as if they can give us scorching heat and malaria.

Anyway, after eating, we made one more stop and now we're back at our place. In Nigeria, it would have been very dark by now but not here. It's 8pm and the day is bright but I think I'll be calling it a night.


Wait until June. It’ll be light until 10pm at least. English summer is nice.

Of course on the flip side wait until winter when it’s dark at 4 😂

Winter will have it dark by almost 5 pm.

Yeah right, as if they can give us scorching heat and malaria.

I found that hilarious.

Enjoy your stay in Robin Hood country.

Lol, Glad things are working out. Mummy told me you had moved into your new place.

I guess I'll be using Hive to catch up with you two. It's way better than calling with my bad network here.

Karina told me that your School visa plug helps with appling for the course. The next money I get, I'll use it for my permanent license and to reach out to get my transcript

I recently got super broke and can't even use WhatsApp. Guess who found money in his other Hive account and is about to go super broke...lol

Yeah, we moved into our place yesterday and we're slowly setting it up. It's a very strange experience but we're adjusting slowly.

Hopefully you can get all your shit sorted out asap, so we can be grinding this shit together. I met a couple of medical doctors here who moved like us.

That will be awesome.

I'm going to sort out my transcript this week

 2 years ago  

It’s amusing when you find places like that restaurant that said it was like Africa, where you just came from and think of the BS marketing it has lol. Glad you’re settling in!