Puff Bios in Music



Bah... this is one little rant from me. After living and working in Europe with some pretty nice groups around the world in my particular form of music, it really galls me a bit when I read some of the bios and CVs that get passed around in Australia.

Now, sure... bios and CVs get puffed and bloated in all industries... I'm sure of that, but it really irritates me when the bio/CV and online image is used as a stand in for skill... fine, audiences don't really know any better.... but musicians should be using their ears instead of their eyes to evaluate peers... and we are in one of the few industries where there is measurable and noticeable differences in skill and ability!

But somehow, that isn't always the case... and I suspect that it is all a bit of a house of cards sort of thing... no one says or does anything, as everyone is wearing no clothes.

So, we end up with the sort of weird situation that we have... where CVs and bios are obviously puffed up, and then careers and reputations are built upon the perceived quality rather than the substantial.

Ah well... nothing to do about it though... I do wonder if it is important... the audiences and general public don't generally have the ability to tell the difference between substantive quality/ability and a good PR machine... and in the end does it make a difference?

Perhaps I'm just being too cranky about it... but I feel like we would be able to have some real progress and step up in quality if we could just manage to see through the charade... or perhaps it is just up to a few who are prepared to step outside the comfort zone and just seek out like-minded peers to grow something different?

Who knows...

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Upgoats by ryivhnn
Account banner by jimramones


I believe this happens in almost every industry. When people get judged based on how good their CV is written or arranged or by even who brings in the piece of paper and not by their experience and skill..

Yes, it drives me nuts that things have turned out this way... but I guess that happens when the lines of familiarity and trust in societies get longer and longer until they are non-existent.