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RE: Writers deserve better payment (Bring in all the feelings) let's discuss this once and for all please hivers

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

I'm really glad to receive your kind comment, you have said it all and it's cool getting these points from you.

The purpose for this topic was not hive based, I wasn't even thinking of hive while writing this post, I was thinking of all aspects of writing, it doesn't matter where or how little, but in the world we live in now, everything is being define so it's cool knowing that some few person still care when It comes to writters.

I just hope that we don't see AI taking over everything single thing Including this,
is it better?

So we don't complain again?


That topic of AI's is quite complex, i believe that if one were to design one that could write the best books we could imagine, i mean one that could interact with our feelings as it wished, it would be the one that would almost displace us as the superior species of this world or we would be highly manipulable by its architects. It would be interesting to read a book by such a machine and very sad because man is no longer the only one who can invent a story out of nothing.

Writers would have to compete with that machine for a while, but they would be surpassed without a doubt. Already something similar, some Japanese doctors predict in a documentary I saw some time ago, where an AI was able to detect and diagnose a person's disease in a matter of minutes, and because of the type of disease, it was something that could have taken several weeks for the best specialist. Many of them accept the end of their profession with the advent of more and better AIs.

This is awesome!