"AI Art is Plagiarism"

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 months ago (edited)

I have never been against AI art, but my gawd am I getting tired of the "arguments"....

Or, should I say, argument! 😂 Because we only ever end up hearing about the one argument that they have, right? And that is, that

"AI art is plagiarism! 😠"

So, my understanding on how AI-generated art works is, you type in a prompt. AI then searches the web for a bunch of examples of the prompt you are asking for (yes, which can include human-made work and it can also include real-life images). Using inspiration from these several examples, AI is then able to generate an image of its own.

Y' know... Like people have been doing for centuries? 😅

But because there is a chance AI took inspiration from human's work as opposed to real images, and on the off -chance AI did not "cite its sources" for the unique image it creates, it is plagiarism.

If we are going to consider this process plagiarism, then we need to plagiarize any human being that has ever drawn inspiration from other humans.

🚫 You like someone's art style? too late! They've already put a trademark on it.
You want to know someone's drawing technique and secrets? sorry! No longer a privilege.
You want to make art of a vampire? hey, someone already invented that! You'll have to come up with something else...
You want to trace someone's art in order to try improving your own? not anymore! 🚫

People have been so worried about AI-generated images because "people won't be able to distinguish between reality! 😫" Which is fine, people gotta learn how to care for themselves, no one else can perceive reality for them~

No, my biggest concern has been the amount of control this has given people again -- especially here. I have already seen a writing community mute someone's work because "we have a feeling that this was AI-generated, it sounds like something only a bot could write." (Which, already, oh boy 😬)

I've already seen groups claim, "no AI art! It is plagiarism!" Yet, here I have just explained why it isn't! 😅 Because it isn't lol just because AI started getting good at it, and people can't distinguish between it and reality anymore, doesn't magically make it plagiarism. We have had the text-to-speech robots for awhile, but now that they sound like real humans, it "isn't right"?

(This is why I choose to follow religion, and rules that have been established for centuries, over fickle superficial humans -- we can't even agree on what plagiarism is! 😂 Now let's agree on moral standards 🥴🔫)

Anyway, that was my 2 cents for the day, after having yet aNOTHER post muted because yet aNOTHER group creator decided that AI-art is plagiarism 🙄🤦 Maybe focus on the written content of the group and that nobody's plagiarizing that instead of simply choosing the one that's easiest for you...

Rant done! Thanks for reading 😄

(I typed in "AI art is plagiarism" on an AI-generated website called Night Cafe -- and frankly enough, I don't take credit for it! 😀)


So, what is your NightCafe account name? HIVEans should support other HIVEans on other sites.

Here is my NC profile.

Most AI was built on works marked creative commons or public domain. That is enough to pass the legal problems.

Personally, I think it is the best place (besides one's own camera) to get pictures for HIVE posts.


I am Cock A Doodle Don't 😂 however I am not active, I don't submit creations for contests; I only create images for posts on here 😄

(but if you would like to throw yours out there, I am more than willing to check yours out 👍)

Thank you for your comment, your feedback is appreciated 🙏 I hope you enjoy your week!

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 4 months ago  

That’s shitty what community did you get muted from now? Lol. I get the frustration though, people are trying to figure out how to deal with the AI stuff and art.

I am indifferent to it. I don’t love it but I don’t hate it. I think maybe because I know it’s going to increase a lot more in the coming years.

It was the philosophy, the reflections one 😩 again, my own fault, Ididn'tcheckouttheruless 🙄 but I assumed it wouldn't be an issue in a community about philosophy, ah whatever...

I can completely understand creative communities where original artwork is a must, but if I'm just talking about something Aurelius said 2,000 years ago, who cares 😅

Anyway thank you for your comment, and thank you for having a relaxed approach towards the issue 🤙

 4 months ago  

Ah the reflections one doesn’t surprise me. That’s Galen’s brother lol the both of them are really against AI art. I don’t blame them or fault them for it, it’s a challenging issue and we all see it very differently.

Just take random pictures of grass and trees and shit and use those lol that’s what I do. Most of the pictures have absolutely nothing to do with what I’m writing lol