Luigi Mangione is a Murderer

in Rant, Complain, Talklast month (edited)

Soooooo, hey! 😃 Murder is still wrong! 👍 I cannot believe this needs to be said, but since our world is slowly being taken over by hive mind, I guess I'mma be the one to do it! Murder, in this circumstance, is wrong! ⛔

I'm sorry, I'm beyond sick of this, I was over this shit within the first week of memes. I haven't been able to enjoy Nintendo for a month, by golly. This crowd seriously needs to get over themselves! 😬


And of course, not a single one of them has been funny lol 3 guesses as to why that is 🥴 who's making them 🥴🥴


🔫ing him; hope he has health insurance lolol (I came up with the joke for this meme lololol)

As a Canadian with the glorified ✨ free universal healthcare ✨ lemme break it down for y'all: free healthcare also sucks lol trust me, it's not it either.

Average Canadian emergency wait time?:


Average American emergency wait time?:

Surgery waiting lists? It typically takes half a year for any minor surgery to take place:


Those same surgery wait times in the States? Max. wait = 100 days.


Not to mention, probably just as many patients are neglected and die from free healthcare due to the backup of patients and understaffed hospitals. In fact, there have been many times where I happily would have paid to have treatment and specialists sooner (an appointment with a specialist always takes months -- no exceptions).

From my understanding, here is how healthcare works in America. An individual cannot be denied any emergency treatment; they'll still get footed with the bill (seems fair). Insurance covers any technology and medications used during treatment, something (medication) that free healthcare won't even cover.

But y'know who will?! 🤪 Employers, those greedy corporations with their employee benefits, isn't that just awful?! 😝 When I had hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancies, I was paying $80 every 3 weeks for medication that if I did not have, would have put me in the hospital (and trust me -- I went there multiple times 🙄 remember those wait times?!)

Looking at things realistically, do you really think every taxpayer enjoys having their taxes going to personal choices? 🙄👎 Do you really think everyone enjoys paying for chain smokers and alcoholics and abortions? The average mentally ill individual has no problem with that, for the sake of Brownie Points™ and "I'm a good person~™"; the sane individual understands that consequences come with deliberate choices.

People just need to accept that money talks, and there's nothing wrong with that lol. If two people walk into my practice at the same time and their lives aren't in immediate danger, and one of them offers me $1,000 to go first, I am more inclined to take the person with money because money comes with possibilities. That money can help me pay off a bill, provides transportation, supports my family, buys me something nice, etc. Sure, helping the opposite person would be "nice," but my self-image is no longer dependant on external validation and hasn't been for awhile...

We can focus on the corruption of the healthcare system all day, the "justification" of what Luigi did -- there is no excuse for it lol murder is still wrong. A wife and two children no longer get to celebrate anything with their father because a deranged lunatic decided to take justice into his own hands.

You can point out all of the "indirect deaths" CEO Brian Thompson may have played a part in, the corruption he took part in; it still doesn't allow a citizen the right to make their own justice.

Because here is the problem with personal justice: it is only a matter of time before those same standards are used against you.

Take the starving people around the world; am I indirectly responsible for their deaths? I'm not rich by any means, but I could afford to prolong a few people's suffering with some food. I have death wished upon my children and I for my differing opinions; should those people feel validated in their sense of personal justice? that "the world would be a better place without him, him, and her"?

I believe that this incident -- this culture -- is a result of victimization. The belief that, "I've been wronged, I'm stuck with a bill I can't afford, I lost a loved one, people should feel sorry for me 🥺"

What is the insurance company gonna do if you can't pay it, shoot you in the back? No no, that's Luigi the Coward.


So by this braindead logic, I expect we'll be seeing some deans and university board members being taken out next? 🥴 "Oh wah wah, I'm $15,000 in debt and this has completely set me back in life, this debt made me unable to afford health insurance and now I'm daed, waaah."

Oh yeah, I'm sure post-secondary education has been indirectly responsible for a lot of deaths as well, think of all the suicides 🤔 So apply the standard!~

(People with brain worms! 😊 Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

(Graffiti found in my hometown of Ontario, Canada)


You have some good points, but I also think some points that aren't that easy.

I mean, Murder is a no-go! Full stop! In my country, as I would expect this to be the case in your country, not too many people are murdered anyway, but I never heard of some insurance CEO being murdered because of the system. That said, the CEO of a Health Insurance company isn't earning ridiculous amounts of money in my country, their salaries and bonuses are capped, more or less, to perhaps something like 5x modal income.

We have a society-wide standard healthcare system, partially private and partially not. Ie the government controls what must be insured for everyone, and everyone is forced to get insurance with one of the private insurance companies. This results in more overhead, more marketing costs, more management and such. It also results in certain treatments not being carried out. But is the latter bad? I mean, someone can go to the USA, Belgium, Germany, UK or Switzerland to be treated, or even in my own country (Netheralnds), but only in private clinics, for own costs, I mean, the insurance not paying for it. Always an option to get treated, I mean.

Waiting times is one to look at (yes, we do have them in my country as well). Quality of Healthcare is another metric to look at. Life expectancy is yet another metric to look at. Accessibility is just another element to factor in. On all these, the USA is not doing well, especially compared to other countries.

Ultimetaly it is a society/political choice how we want to help (or not) society concerning healthcare. Should it be a system accessible to those with money alone? Or also to the poorest of the poor (of which the USA has plenty of people, also in relative terms).

Do you really think everyone enjoys paying for chain smokers and alcoholics and abortions?

Always an interesting topic. The question is: Where to draw th line in a system everybody has health insurrance or get 100% free healthcare (tax paid healthcare), in a system you are in, and I am in (tax paid healthcare with a personal contribution based on level of income). I mean, someone riding a race bike as a hobby sport and ends up in hospital every so often because of an accident? What about people who cant drive a car well? What about the pedestrian in a city who just walks around? All of them have higher change of ending up in the hospital to someone else not doing those things. Not to mention, all the people who eat bad food, are overweighted and such that.

Am not saying what is the best system, but it is too easy to determine just based on: money rules, or waiting times.

Thank you for your comment, you bring up many good points! Both systems have pros and cons, neither is perfect by any means.

But see, I like the point that you made, your country has private and public. I would like that here as well, to have the option. Canada has only recently starting putting out private clinics and some people are up in arms about it. If you can afford "better" healthcare for you and your family, why wouldn't you?

I feel a lot of it may be a "crab bucket effect," "I have it bad so you can't have it better than me." People who believe healthcare should be equal to everyone, but it simply can't. Some people are born rich, some people pursue wealthy careers early in life, some people are given once in a lifetime opportunities.

The last thing someone should have when it comes to healthcare is a victim-complex. I understand it's not always possible, but if you value a better state of life, then pursue it at whatever means necessary instead of blaming others! Or at the most, killing them 😩

 last month  

“Be careful what you wish for” is something I always say to myself when I see people spewing absolutely retarded shit on the internet.

Yes the CEO was probably a ruthless fuck, but to shoot him in cold blood also doesn’t help the cause. I know firsthand how shitty the American system is, but at the same time what system can serve hundreds of millions of people at efficient and cost-effective levels without complete government control? None I think.

I dislike the mentality that’s being put forth with this situation.

Like I say, there are some of us who would gratefully pay for the chance at private healthcare. My city has just started opening some private clinics and people are up in arms about it, protesting it, like ????? If an individual can afford "better" healthcare, then let them have it. We have a serious case of "crab bucket" effect when it comes to this situation.

And yes, just overall disgusted with the hivemind behavior online. I understand people's anger in regards to healthcare; murder is still wrong lol. And like you said, careful what you wish for, in case someone wishes the same for you!~