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RE: Is Chiropractic Care the Right Path for Me?

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago

It's mostly not about bones but about muscles pulling the bones, muscles that don't manage to get back in their resting natural state. don't let anyone forcefully work on your bones, you can get a much better result with 5-10 minutes/day mindful work. I would advice trying to find a Hanna Somatics Practitioner, 1 session will be enough and he will tell you what to do to get aligned again. Just realise that bones are just bones, the source of the problem is something else and to be fair, it can be other things such as facia but bones are never the problem. Where are you located?

 7 months ago  

YES! You know it. Fascia is key I reckon. I'm in Australia.

I find mindful release a really good practice - my osteo really works on that. He brings in meditative and yogic techniques into his healing which he knows I am open to. He can just say 'breath and release the bottom of the pelvis' and I do and it works. Having a therapist that works at this level is better for me than unmindful cold spine cracking.