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RE: Is Chiropractic Care the Right Path for Me?

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago (edited)

So sorry to hear about your pain!! I feel like chiming in here not because I have any experience at all with chiropractic care but because I have experienced hip pain for a couple of years and finally am on the path to healing! In general I am pretty weary of going to professionals and would rather invest the money in tools to cure myself. Not to say that all health pro's are bad or inept!! I think massage can be extremely helpful for example!

Well, to the point, my hip pain came from my terrible posture and possibly an injury from years ago, that is slowly improving with stretch and exercise but what has really helped me manage the pain is red light therapy. I have a handheld redlight device that I use most days and it has helped me so much!! Also, when my pain was at it's height (about a year ago) I took a two month break from strenuous activity, namely biking two and from work and lifting very heavy objects. That is when I began using red light daily and things have only improved from there!