Hi fellow Ranters,
Today I wanted to talk about how important the mindset we have is to our day to day lives!

Mindset Is Key
There is something that a lot of people just don't understand: your mindset is key to how you go about your day.
Where we live is somewhere that has all four seasons. It's beautiful most of the year but it does get cold in the winter. It does snow in the winter. People that live here have mostly lived here their whole lives yet every single winter they complain about it. How cold it is, how much snow they get. It's really tiring when I listen to it!
I think this mindset helps to push forward the idea that they are unhappy because they are not approaching the situation in the right way. I'm not saying I am perfect but I've been one to enjoy the winter time because I get to snowboard, snow shoe and other outdoor activities. Plus it's refreshing to have some seasons! Yes it's cold, and it can be challenging but we have to learn to appreciate the different things in the ways that we can.
Last year I wasn't as winter-friendly as I normally am and I think it affected me more than it did before. I wasn't looking forward to winter, and when it arrived I felt colder than I normally do. There are potentially other reasons those things happened but I think it was mostly my mindset.
This year has been different though. I've had a perspective change in a way, so I am looking forward to the winter. I would certainly enjoy more sunlight directly on my skin that we get in warmer weather but cold temperatures really do a lot to help us lose weight and make the mitochondria in our bodies get to work. When we are feeling cold, and then we shiver, that's our mitochondria trying to put the muscles to work so that we can move them and get things warmed up!
With the mindset change I've had this year versus last, it's certainly been cold but it hasn't bothered me nearly as much as it did last year. I actually enjoy going outside in the cold weather. It gives you a real kick in the ass to wake you up! We certainly could all use a little kick in the teeth by a biting cold temperature that's for sure.
I realized this perspective change just the other night. I was walking outside and it was in the low 20's which is certainly cold, but it's not really that bad. I was walking to the mail box and it was glorious. I was enjoying the biting cold, and I was dressed a little less than ideal for the occasion but it didn't bother me. I knew that I was burning some good calories going for that short walk, and getting some nice fresh air in my lungs.
These are the perspectives that can change lives. If we are trying to make sure that we put forward a decent perspective in that we don't look at things from a negative lens all the time, then we will improve our mood and many other aspects of our lives while we are at it! That was really nice to figure out, and I will certainly be keeping that in mind for the future, to make sure I keep myself in check.
What about you, do you think that a mindset like this is really important to pay attention to? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Yes I agree! I think one's lens really will change when you view things in a different light. Some people say I am overly optimistic sometimes, but I think it's a good thing. I wasn't like that last time, and it took a bit of self discovery and influence from people around me to become who I am now.
Yeah thats for sure man! It's really important to be able to understand and do that.
A very beautiful place and greetings to us together.
You're welcome