Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I am trying to put in place some new concepts for what I am going to try in the future starting now. Let’s wish for success!
Here’s my fish, they stick together!

Lots of us know that the token price is all some people focus on for their own reasons but the other component that people are trying to promote and focus on is engagement. The more we engage with people in their posts and comments, the more time gets spent on the platform and it has benefits across the board.
I’m not perfect in my engagement and I know that but I do what I can and that’s all one can do. We all balance things that’s for sure but one of the things that I want to find more balance into doing is not just sitting in my following feed. That has its place indeed because I want to see what the people I’ve decided to follow are saying and doing but I feel like I have been spending more time there than I should be.
One of the things I want to do is spend a little bit of time in my day and whatever community I am going to post in that day or the next day depending on my time availability, I want to go into it and spend some time in there curating posts but more importantly engage in the community. We post things all over the place and in communities but we do that in hopes that the community serves the purpose: gives attention to our post. The attention is pretty useless if no one is giving it any!
I want to give this a try because it will do one of the things I have been trying to change in my life: be the change you want to be. Don’t expect change to happen without effort from you. This won’t be followed in a military fashion but I am going to try and do the best that I can with the timeframe I have!
I know some of my followers and people I follow myself are really good at this type of stuff so I want spend more time to do this. We all need to do this and you never know who is close to giving up, quitting or other things because no one engages with them. I hope that I can make at least one persons day better by engaging with them on their post. I know I love getting engaged!
Swimming Schools
The more we get out there in schools to do these things, the better we all become, I think. When people from the outside look at posts that have several dozen or hundred comments, that’s the best way to show that lots of people are on here waiting to engage!

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No one is mate, but your concept of spending a little time in communities is a good one. Engagement doesn't have to be massive comments, just valuable ones. Gaming it to win the EL is something I'd not respond to well, you know loads of senseless comments or cut and past comments all over the blockchain. It shows no value. You don't do this of course.
I like your plan, spend time in the community you'll post in that day. Also, maybe go to a community that may not initially have interest for you and see what you see. Sure, some of the content may not be that interesting but there's connections to be made. Most of us do not have a single focus and so a person posting in The Pew for instance, may have some value for you elsewhere - Just make the connection and investigate. You know?
Nice fish reference too mate...Nice way to tie it all in. :)
P.s. Are you adding titles to people in the RCT community? I see I'm MOD but I don't know, I feel that through a well-placed rant I cold earn something more befitting my rantiness? I'm working up to one.
Yeah I am trying to also use my laptop or iPad more. Engaging on my phone is killing my wrist and hand so I've been putting it off lol. Typing on my laptop is far faster! Noisier when the little man is sleeping but thankfully he's a pretty good sleeper.
I think I will try and incorporate that as well in my searching of content. Instead of just hitting my following feed and dropping some votes and comments, I'll try and go to a community for a period of time and do that instead. Doesn't have to be all day doing that but even one of the periods of the day where I'm on here replaced by that I think will really help and widen my audience of cool people I interact with!
Yeah I can definitely add titles. Hell if you want you can be an admin lol I don't have any special notions but didn't want to assume you wanted to be an admin. It's not like admin rights do a heck of a lot besides let us change names and stuff. I'll make you an admin later on after I've looked at some of the other areas and you can add any title you'd like, at least I think. Still new to community admin stuff lol
I mostly use my laptop, probably 80% of the time, and only rarely do I post on my phone. Just reading and commenting mainly, but more on my computer. It's too hard on the phone I find.
Oh yeah, hit individual communities and select new then scroll a bit...You'll find some gold. I check my friends feed two to three times a day and spend most of my time in communities scrolling new. I never stick around the trending pages.
I'm not one to re-blog things much, only if I'm really passionate about the post, and I don't really like people re-blogging a lot on my feed...It's annoying mostly, although there is some good stuff now and then. I have unfollowed people because they'd reblog 20 posts all at once...As if they read them and even know what they're re-blogging. A few here and there is ok.
Each to their own though, and I'm sure people will have their own ideas that differ from mine. I'm a hive-nobody and that's fine...I just do my thing and have some fun.
I don't need to be an admin...I was more interested in you coming up with some sort of cool name for me...Your call. 😉
tokens.Engagement can begin with 'Hello' then go on from there. I perfer to comment and engage than spend hours in front of a blank screen. I recently perused Steem and it was like a ghost town with just upvoting bots in the comments. Barely any comments from any carbon based life form.
Yeah I know it's really a shame! Steem is a literal vote farming platform but what more can you expect from a company that uses Tron where they did one trillion transactions in a day. Talk about 99.99999% bot usage? No thanks, I'll personally take a place like Hive where the rewards might be less than other places but there's a hell of a lot more legitimate human interaction as well as some really cool stuff to read!
Appreciate you checking it out and hope to see you in the community here more often! :D
tokens.Yeah man, theres nothing sadder than seeing articles with a comment section that looks like a ghost town, lol! I see it on medium all the time, which is where I used to blog before I came here. Medium still does some cool stuff like curating content, has a penchant for old content to be served to new users and great traffic, but other than that, if you're looking for engagement you need to be in the politics, love and relationship of health and wellness niche of which I wasn't lol so here I am
Yeah I've never used medium myself but I don't doubt it. I hate when I see a really well rewarded post with 0-3 comments on it. I'm scraping pennies together with some of mine and can top 15-20 comments. Financial reward on some of these posts doesn't make a difference but it's just crazy to see it sometimes.
I know that some platforms only really get a lot of interactions with politics. 4chan and Reddit come to mind but probably Medium as well. Kind of odd if you ask me but then again it get's banned like the President does on the other platforms lol.
tokens.I agree - I do try my best but we were only just talking about people not putting their bit in, it's selfish really - we expect comments on our posts but we don't give them out! Always good to be reminded.
Yeah for sure! I'm trying to dish out way more comments than I receive because I think it will benefit in the end in multiple ways. Plus any time I see a post with over 20 comments or more I have to check it out just to see what the hype is about, and what the people are talking about! I've been guilty to skip the post and hit the comments lol
haha I know! I'm kinda gutted though when I write a great post and there's hardly any comments, it still disappoints me even after nearly 3 years here! Sometimes I think people can't be bothered reading.