Playing devils advocate here but how about you bring a trash bag with you and pick up some of the stuff to dispose of it properly? I know you won’t be able to pick up those giant piles of stuff but you could certainly pick up the trash that you see in the forest like bags and other things that float in. I’m a big advocate for being the change you want to see and taking pictures of it is certainly a good thing to bring attention and awareness to it however we also have to participate in the improvement to make it so.
It’s never something we want but there does need to be dedicated land to eliminate waste like that so that it doesn’t pile up elsewhere. What the city should do is what many others do and build big dirt walls on the sides of it and then make it so that things won’t fly away from inside of it and get the trash all over the place.
There are a few companies that I know of that are creating types of worms and other bugs that will eat and decompose the plastics like this which is good. I look forward to the day that it gets to the different parts of the planet to clean this junk up!
I did the similar thing recently around here, all fine.:)
Here's why that's not a good idea.
I've got that answer few days ago, which made me reconsider doing what you proposed. Responsibility, I am one, those who bring garbage every day are more numerous. So it's not my trash, it's not my duty to go after adults and clean up after them (I can after children ;) until they learn), I don't see any effect in a 1:100 fight except to turn out to be a fool par excellence.
Unfortunately, the community wouldn't appreciate it, and that's the biggest problem because if I knew that more garbage wouldn't be dumped there, I would organize a team (as there are people who would join).
And the biggest problem of all the problems is that the state itself is not interested in the excessive preservation of ecology, my country is really beautiful, a real gem of nature, but as far as people have reached, nature has been polluted, many birds have left their former inhabitants, you understand what I'm talking about. . the list goes on and on.