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RE: Seriously... don't collect data!

in Rant, Complain, Talk10 months ago

My wife is one of those people that signs up with her legitimate information for all kinds of bullshit. I always salt my data these days or just refuse. I signed up for a store card to get some deals on a few things that we’ve come to enjoy and the employee said “oh you can download our app here and we will continue with the rest when you’re done!” I said no thanks I’m not downloading your app. She looked at me weird because I’m a younger guy, not some old dinosaur but I refused to download their app. She was like well you can get all the latest stuff on there! I said no thanks - please don’t ask me again about your app and continue that I refused. She was flabbergasted and the people in line behind me were amused but I’m not downloading some bullshit app that’s going to request access to my contacts, phone details and all that. They just sell it all and pimp me out, and I’m paying them to pimp me! Fuck that noise lol.

I’m hoping to get my wife to come to the other side of this crap! It’s truly insidious the lax measures people have with personal information.


Oh... the apps... why?!?!?!?!? I have set my wife up with a few dump emails that she can use. Sometimes, you just have to make it easy to lie your arse off!