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RE: If You're Not Paying for a Product, You Are the Product

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago

I use all of their stuff but I am going to take the advice of a dude I follow that I like: convenience is a killer.

Meaning it's good to use their products but what if one of them gets compromised? Like their password manager. All your stuff is in there so you're fucked.

I'm going to split between some things to that I spread out my risk profile. Is it a little overkill? Sure but it's good to have some things spread a little bit.

I am enjoying the proton stuff for sure but I'm also realistic about needing to stay vigilant.


The problem is, if I wasn't using BitWarden, I would be using a handful of passwords in different variations, so in the end, is that really any more secure if one of them were to get compromised?

 2 months ago  

Well what k meant by that is using bitwarden plus proton pass or something. That way part of them are in bit warden and part of them are in proton. It’s a little annoying but prevents centralization of important information.

Still though using bit warden and proton are a far cry better than 90% of the people in the world and the thieves go for easy prey sadly.

Okay I got you. That makes sense.