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RE: daily thoughts

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

I appreciate your perspective but think that it’s one that is too optimistic and not seated in reality. It’s a difficult notion for sure but here are a few short points.

Collectivism is not something that is a good concept. You can’t rule everyone with the same set of rules and laws. People in India for example worship cows and think they are sacred. There are more people in the world that eat those cows. With a single government, those people are likely going to be told they can’t do that anymore. There’s minimal way to appeal that because of the size of government.

Humans are a violent species. Look at the conflicts that have popped up in the news the last year, in Russia and Israel. There is no way there will ever be peace. People rob and steal every day, conflicts happen and there is too much money made by having conflict which is a sad and unfortunate reality. We will never have a month without a type of armed conflict going on.

Government power should be minimized and they only act as mediators of peoples affairs, not the other way around. They serve us not we serve them. The bigger the government the more control and tyranny that is going to occur.

If a worldwide government becomes a reality, you can guarantee it will as quickly as possible become completely totalitarian and become North Korea or Chinese community party type of control and strict lock down on every aspect of society. The bureaucrats and tyrants of the world would love nothing more than to put their boot on your throat and if you don’t think that will happen, you have a lot to learn!

I know that it’s a little different from where you’re coming from but these things will all come to pass, and far worse, if this is ever a reality. I and many millions of other people in the world will fight that reality tooth and nail from coming to being. If we do get there, it will be the end of freedom and rights for a very long time and be a dark day in the human history.