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RE: Historic heat wave in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil [EN/PT-BR]

in Rant, Complain, Talk8 days ago

Climate is never consistent so it means that it’s always changing. For example there was an intense heat wave in the 1930’s in the United States - long before the “climate change” scare happened. It was also long before massive industrial work across the whole world was going on.

That isn’t to say we aren’t causing issues but it’s much more complicated than that. For example, places like rio de janiero are known as “heat island” which means they trap a heck of a lot more heat in them than the surrounding countryside. The buildings absorb heat, the ground absorbs heat and there’s much less trees and grass for the heat reflect off.

The “climate change” narrative is just to scare people and try to get rid of industries or make them pay heavy taxes they can’t afford which will destroy the society.