Abortions - There are obviously lots of angles that this is being portrayed but one of the ones that gets overlooked completely is that this should NEVER be a decision of the federal government. A person should be able to choose to do so or not to do so but it is up to the individual. It's also something that should be determined at the state level. There can be states that for whatever reason want to outlaw it, or there can be states that choose to allow it. It should not be something a federal government or court should have a say in because it's none of their damn business. I don't think federal officials need to get involved in state and local policies like this. That's not the job of the federal government.
One thing that this highlights though, and one thing we should pay attention to instead of getting as emotional as foodie is in this one, is the money behind it all. There is a LOT of money to be made by keeping abortions legal. It's a significant part of the healthcare racket going on in the country. If something is pushed so heavily, you can guarantee yourself that it's backed by significant amounts of money.
It's also an easy dividing line, which is the other unfortunate side of it.