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RE: The Story Of Me

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

Welcome to the rant community! Feel free to write whenever you’d like not just for this particular issue :D

It sucks that people are copying you and at the same time it’s flattering. I think there’s a lot of people who don’t have an original bone in their body in terms of creativity so they leach off those who do, and it seems like they do yours. Karma is indeed a thing with life and I’m not sure if it got them or not but things like that I don’t believe too much in coincidences!

Great photos!


A time or two ok great I can understand but its an almost weekly thing!!! lol.. Thanks on the photos.. I normally droo them in Photography Lovers community and I have a lot from Spooky Season to post coming up! I love writing. My main social media is strictly for business so I really cant rant and rave there safely so here I am.. Much love