Ah no good! I was actually just listening to something today that said the reason we get sick is because our intestines get backed up and an enema will clear it out in a day or two. I’m not sure if I’m ready to give that a try.. but I applaud her spirit LOL.
What I eat like it’s my job when I’m not feeling good is garlic! Making a nice little combination of garlic, honey and turmeric with a little bit of cayenne does the trick really well. It helps on so many different levels and they are all really easy supplies to keep in the house for various things!
Hopefully at this point you’re feeling back to normal!
I'll pass on the enema thanks, but I have heard some people are quite a fan of it ☹️
I'll probably add garlic to my next batch of onion and honey syrup, double the dosage to kill off whatever is inside me 🗡