Crazy stuff happening in a lot of parts of the world. It’s shitty what some people in power will do to terrorize and ruin the lives of so many others just because. We are also in the age that rich people will hire and pay people to protest and loot to add to the chaos of situations like this. It’s happening all the time in America, I’m pretty sure it’s probably happening in SA as well. Brutal shit!
Tough weather, hopefully the plants survived the bitter snap you had! Grass is a great insulator for that reason, the Germans used it a lot to keep things warm and the water retained.
The world is a very ugly place right now. Inequality and poverty doesn't make people behave well, but I can't blame them much.
Th grass was the bomb! The plants were fine that were under it
That's great the plants survived! Hugelkulture is the method the Germans used. It's more for water conservation but it does apply to situations like this I think!
Grass is an old-school method here, I can remember my mother building little grass tipis for tender plants