Sibling relationships are indeed very strange! I know that I’ve had good times with mine but there comes a point where they continue to do wrong so you have to part ways for a while until they change their act. If not you risk getting sucked into their foolishness yourself.
Ah one thing I have an issue with here! You know that bale*nciaga (not giving them any search engine traffic!) advocates for child abuse right? I have seen a lot of nasty shit come out on that company and think we all need to boycott it and sell or donate or better yet, trash the clothes with their brand and logo on it. They are a bunch of sick people!!
Year in year out it's one story after another with siblings 🤣 I never get tired of them I just go away for awhile when it get over heated and come back when they missed me enough lol.
I don't have much knowledge about the bale*nciaga thing I only know they are producers of quality clothes everyone wants to have on them. Thanks for the info they should be held or better still shut down that's really bad.