I think I'll mostly disagree with you on this and try to justify the reasoning if I can..
Firearms - I am an owner myself and have used them for many years in various situations, though thankfully all for sport. One thing I can tell you is that me and 99% of the other gun owners have no desire to hurt anyone and the fact that we own them and continue to increase the numbers that we own is one of the most significant things that we can do to keep governments and tyrannical people in check.
Guns are banned in New York and Chicago. Murder rates are through the roof and gun violence is something that happens every single day. But guns are banned.....? You can "ban" guns all you want but that only hurts the people like myself who are perfectly law abiding people who want to own some protection in the worst case scenario that we encounter some time in our lives where we need to use it. A criminal does not give a shit in the least if something is banned or not, they will still get it and use it regardless of what the "law" says.
I never want to have to shoot a person and pray that I never have to, nor be near a situation where it is required but if some dumb fuck is threatening my family the choice is incredibly simple. Their life will end and ours will continue, or I will try my best to defend my family and die trying if need be. It's as simple as that and no amount of fear porn from the media will convince me otherwise that I'm a bad person and my choices to own and grow my firearm collection is a bad thing.
The only reason the shooting in Texas was ended was because someone with a gun stopped it. A border patrol agent was nearby and heard the situation. They were told to stand down and wait for backup but they had a gun and the ability to stop the person so they did and it was successful. If they had waited how many more would have died, 5, 10, 30? You also most likely never (or rarely) hear of the situations where a gun prevented a crime or a mass shooting from happening because it's not conducive to the narrative that guns are bad. Many everyday citizens carry guns and that's our best defense against bullshit.
Abortion - The federal government has no say in whether or not a woman should or should not have an abortion. The fact that they made a ruling on it is a load of shit in the first place. That should be relegated to the state and municipalities that people live in. Federal governments are supposed to take care of overarching things for a country like military, food, transportation and a finite amount of other things. Personal choices in what we do with our bodies (abortions, medical procedures, treatments) is absolutely not one of them nor should it ever be. That is up to the person and their care providers. States have much different demographics and that should influence whether or not something like abortion is allowed. A state that is predominantly of an atheist background like many of the "blue" states are will likely fully allow abortions while the ones that are more conservative or "red" states will restrict or make it more difficult to get one. What the media doesn't do, on purpose of course, is allow for there to be nuances in these types of things. I wouldn't ask my wife to ever get an abortion and I would be pissed if she got one and would try to talk her out of it but at the same time it's someone's ability to choose whether or not to have one.
With that being said though, one thing that we may not take into account is the entire reason that abortions are as popular as they are. The destruction of societies morals and values is to blame. The forcing of sexualization of everything through the media, movies, TV shows and all that are leading people to have far too promiscuous personal lives than I think is appropriate. I am not a prude and I thoroughly enjoy sex, looking at my beautiful wife and all that but what I abhor to the deepest levels is the sexualization of children and how they are being exposed to this shit at far too young of an age. The end of middle school and beginning of high school is a more appropriate time to be teaching children about things related to sex. I had a classmate in middle school that got pregnant and dropped out at 13 because they grew up in an unfortunate household where they didn't have strong morals and bonds amongst the family members. I had a work colleague who herself accidentally got pregnant at 12! She said that to blame was the culture in the area she lived in. The objectifying of young women and the poor teaching of the boys in her area. She doesn't think negatively on what she went through because it changed her but she knows that the negative influence is something that is wrong and has led her to be very passionate about making sure her daughter doesn't get into the same difficult situation she was in.
I think my book will take a pause here and may continue if we are open to dialogue! With so many things in life, it's important to talk about these things! The more we talk and get other peoples perspectives the more we can change our world view and adapt to different information.
My very first girlfriend. She quit school to have a child.
Thankfully she was not still MY GIRLFRIEND..! LMAO
You really got your shit together brother. We are like minded. 100%.
Thank You.!
Hahah thanks man, I may have gone a little too strong here but these are things people need to understand so hopefully with dialogue we can change perspectives at the least, minds at the best!