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RE: Four Years of This Crap Has Been More Than Enough

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago

It’s all distractions at the end of the day. Just more things to get the particular side riled up about.

I think Rogan says it best - “there’s never NO election fraud.. it’s just how much is the question”. Some of it is minor, some of it is significant but it’s always there.

At the end of the day it’s just more division and fuel to get people to bicker. When people bicker and argue with each other over shit like this they don’t band together, put aside their differences and work together to make both their perspectives stronger and improve their communities.

I would just like to ask you - don’t be so feverishly upset or angry that he won that you completely shut out the possibility he could do great things. I think that’s the biggest loss - always looking for the next evil deed instead of trying to see what he does good and what he does bad.

I didn’t like the current group at all but I will give it to them that they did make this process a lot cleaner than I thought they would. There weren’t riots and using the courts the way many people thought they did.

I think we need to take what we’ve learned the past few years - the division agenda is SO strong, and reject it. You and I disagree politically it would certainly seem but I encourage you to share your perspective so I can improve mine. You and I are a lot closer than we ever would be to Trump or Elon so we need to work together much more because we have closer experiences than we ever would to them.