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RE: We Need a System That Works - How The Camping Reservation System is Failing in Australia

in Rant, Complain, Talk6 days ago

These are all pretty difficult issues but I think for sure the core crux of the problem is not having park rangers and fish and game people. Thankfully in the States we have ample of these resources and it helps. It doesn’t eliminate all of the issues but it certainly helps reduce a decent amount!

I like the proposals except for the paper part. Doing it 50-50 would be decent but you should be able to book it online. Perhaps a way to prove you’re there is to check in with access to your location just temporarily so you can’t check in 50 miles away. You have to be at the site.

All good food for thought!

 6 days ago  

Pen and paper have worked for years and still works ina lot of places. Not all places have reception and not everyone likes to book on their phone.