I know it’s a struggle but there are a number of things going on here. I think you are probably aware of them!
1 - destruction of organized religion over the last 30-40 years. I am not a fan of the pope or the other pieces of trash at the tops of these but the organization and community that is involved with those groups is what keeps people connected. We are largely devoid of it these days and it’s being replaced with this new-age religion but the underlying habits are the same: absolute dedication to the dogma.
I think a lot of these people are subject to the dogma reactions BUT you also have to remember on those gigantic platforms - it’s a cesspool of bots and provocateur accounts. I don’t trust jack shit in the comments of those and many other platforms to be honest. IG I would say 2 or 3 out of 10 people are not bots in the comments. Divide and conquer.
2 - I agree that it’s important to research it but we also have to know some basics to get started with before we delve into something. For me - if old Billy is investing or pushing a company I immediately get my spidey senses tingling. That eugenics bro doesn’t mess around with doing everything possible that’s as evil as can be. He just recently bought the Bragg apple cider vinegar company and changed the formula, the stuff that so many people have relied on for decades. Sadistic.
Yes we should certainly research a topic before we just jump on the bandwagon but there is so much fucking information out there it’s impossible to be able to do it all. We are naturally wired to find efficient means of doing things. I efficiently know that if Billy is involved, I immediately don’t trust it and can be bothered with details later. It’s time management really. I spend my efforts elsewhere and rest easy knowing that I don’t trust a single fucking thing he is involved in. I think him and Klaus and Soros might be the only ones I don’t feel like I need to spend time digging; if they are involved I don’t like it.
Now that’s obvious to say that a headline could be Billy gets in on a company for 1% of the stock which does technically mean he’s in on it so it could be headline bullshit games too so that’s a possibility.
I can totally see that group dynamic at play… having felt like an outsider in conventional/mainstream society, only to find similarity with others “waking up” (whether in the “conspiracy” circles, “spiritual” ones, or the overlap) and gaining a sense of comraderie in the shared philosophy, values, etc… yet over time, finding similar immature “us versus them” self-righteousness and fundamentalism/fanaticism creeping in in different forms - different dogma revealing itself over time as observing the patterns.
And yeah… steering clear of what Gates touches isn’t a horrible strategy, LOL. It’s been disillusioning, however, to see the degree of programming/conditioning taken place in these “communities” though that just fosters cognitive bias & logical fallacies rather than actual critical thinking, though - like everyone has just been conditioned like Pavlovian dogs to jump to certain conclusions that may not be accurate/truthful. i.e. there are advancements in food tech that held great promise before Billy got involved and still do… so long as certain conditions are met to ensure it’s actually healthy; yet here we got people just writing off all prospect of evolutionary advancement due to their faulty presumptions, squawking like chicken with heads cut off, not even exercising the most basic of discernment to acknowledge the very tangible, objective difference between lab-grown meat and an entirely plant-based product that’s actually probably healthier than what most of them are eating on a regular basis.
And yeah… surely Gates has a portfolio with thousands of companies in it, in which he has no actual role or influence - yet some latch onto a clickbaity headline taken out of context and are triggered into parroting the same predictable “the sky is falling” rhetoric as the rest of the herd whose leaning towards unconscious conservatism would prefer we resort back to ways of cavemen rather than use our collective intelligence to solve major global challenges and keep moving forward wisely.
Humans. Quite the odd bunch. 😹