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RE: A Little Dis-Content

in Rant, Complain, Talk11 months ago

I actually just wrote about this, partially at least, tonight haha. I was on the topic of having certain things that I wanted to write about from our vacation, but I don't want to write about every little fucking thing that we did or saw. Part of it because it's private and just generally family time which should be cherished. Other parts of it are because, does anyone want to read about the fucking pizza fail that we had? Likely not! It goes back to people actually reading their content before committing it. I think that quite a few people don't read it, just throw it out there.

I think this also goes with the short form stuff - DBuzz comes to mind. Sure it's a Twitter alternate for us, but at the same time, should people read the drivel they spent 15 seconds to put together and post? Probably, because I know they should and not post it LOL

I think it's important that we have community and engagement, but also just some personality and bit of self control (trying to think of a phrase for what I mean here..) for reading what we are writing to make sure it makes sense and it's worthy of a "post". I've got a dozen or more "ideas" for posts but I haven't written them because at the moment they are shit, they need more soul!