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RE: A Writer's Reflection on Career Shifts and Industry Turmoil

in Rant, Complain, Talk10 months ago

The coming changes technologically are going to be wild for sure. There’s going to be a lot of pain but there’s also going to be a lot of opportunities! We just have to find where those are and can make moves. As task master says, technology is deflationary. The crap going on right now is intentionally keeping prices high for everything even though there is no justification at all for it.

Keep writing and doing the various other things - those are the things that sustain us!


I appreciate it. I will. And you're right, with all the craziness and work I have to do, it feels like writing is the only place I can hear my voice speak up. Technology is deflationary, huh? I hadn't considered that before, but as you mention it, the econ and finance I studied way back in school starts echoing. I'll have to look more at that concept, maybe even write about it soon. Thanks for stopping by.