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RE: Being an entrepreneur will cripple you with humility.

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

It’s definitely difficult to do these things but as with anything it gets better over time! Whether working for yourself or for a business it will likely be the same. It’s far better for you to do it yourself! The world runs on small businesses and we need more of them!


The world runs on small businesses and we need more of them!

You can say that again lol.

Good to know it gets better, I realized it can pave a way for character development as well.
A win win situation!

Thank you for stopping by.

 2 years ago  

For sure character development is a big benefit! Not everyone is cut out for owning a business but if you can do it, it’s widely beneficial in so many ways versus working a job for a company.

We’ve owned our own small business for a few years and it doesn’t make a lot of money per se but it’s such a powerful learning experience and educator!