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RE: Been Away From Hive, Back With An Honest Rant

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

Some people really are shitty! I could understand if it was a close friend and they were worried about you and trying to see if there was something wrong but if it was just someone from the gym what gives them the right to be rude like that? People suck lol.

Stressful jobs and lack of sleep definitely has effects on lots of different things in our bodies!

 2 years ago  

The level of toxicity I saw a girl experience at the gym made me cancel the entire gym. The worst part is they don't realise how rude and invasive they're being to people. I really hoped that girl wasn't too affected by that incident.

Anyway, I'm getting more sleep now and I generally feel better.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're doing great