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RE: Getting Help

in Rant, Complain, Talk10 months ago

The one thing I would strongly recommend staying away from is medication if they try to prescribe it. The therapeutic range of benefit is so small that its not worth the risk of the negative side effects they cause.

Hopefully you can do some deep reflection on the causes of your anxiety to try to fix them, that's going to be your best long term solution!


I've never wanted medication but at this point, I'm wondering if it's worth a try

 10 months ago  

No! The medication. For that stuff is absolute poison and has such a small range of clinical benefit. Most of them only benefit 10% of the people who take them in the intended way, the rest don’t see benefits and need other meds mixed in. Then there’s the disaster that’s clonazepam for acute anxiety. It’s one of the most addictive medications and you can die if you don’t take it, honestly. People have to go into rehab to detox off it.

I just don’t want you to get on the pharmaceutical wheel because it never ends! There’s a lot better ways to deal with it - you should listen to Jordan Peterson and his talks on mental issues - he’s a profound man and very helpful.

I just feel helpless. I don't like the idea of depending on medication for possibly a long time but I'm tired of self-help. I just want to feel better