Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to rant about how annoying Yew Tewb is with their silly content restrictions.

Silly Restrictions
You Toob is really being a pain in my ass..
Is it any wonder, with the assholes that run these big companies, that they are trying to tighten the reigns as much as they can? Well Yew Toob is one of those fuckers, that's for sure.
I've been avoiding YT for a long time, for the simple fact that I want to give them as little web traffic as humanly possible. They have a disgusting business model and it is incredible destructive on the minds of many millions of people in the world. The caveat to that is there are also lots of fantastic bits of content on there, and many wholesome channels and creators so it's a balance of the good with the bad. That doesn't stop me from disliking the bastards.
One of the things I've been noticing more and more lately is that they are putting some horse shit sign in requirements on the platform, meaning in order to access a video you need to sign in. That's all fine and dandy except that it's not something I want to be doing. I don't want to sign in or create an account to do something as simple as listening to a song that just popped in my head. I was just typing a post, when randomly, an old rap song from BACK in the day popped in my head. I went to go search for it and sure enough, they fucking restricted it.
What bothers me more is at the same time as they restrict that video, which has moderate language but really nothing terrible, they allow absolute garbage artists in the contemporary rap scene to have their videos wide open. If they are going for content moderation for protecting kids, they are fucking terrible at it.. lol
I know that YU Toob is the biggest platform in the world, so it comes with lots of difficult situations but I think one of the other things they are mad about is that I'm using a VPN and blocking their attempts to surveil and track me all over the place. I've seen that many times with these companies - one of them even REFUSES to let me log into their website unless I turn off my VPN. What the fuck is that noise? For sure some Web 1.0 shit right there lol.. I make it a point to make it difficult for them to collect and sell data on me. Yes I write on Hive so that's a given, but the good thing about Hive is that we get some ownership of what happens here, whereas Yew Toob you get nothing, and then they sell your data to the highest bidder.
What about you, have you noticed Yew Tewb being more egregious lately with not letting people use the platform for fairly innocent stuff? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I must say that am a regular user of youtube, to see some of the soccer highlight and some of the gardening tips and stuff. Never know that they forced you to do sign in for some of the their content. I though it is easy to search either for the member or non member of the platform. very interesting
Yeah they are getting worse in terms of doing it on phones. I have a few songs I love online but don't listen to them frequently but when I get into a mood for it, I want to listen. They are nothing special but YT didn't want me to listen to them without signing in. HARD PASS lol