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RE: Our Health Or Their Profits?

You have to be careful these days as I was at a butcher a few years back that there was enough flies to fly off with the meat if they wanted to. If you watch what happens you wouldn't buy anything. There is so much contamination happening at the weighing scale where all the meat is dropped on the weight plate with no covering right in front of you, what happens in the back out of public view? I am rather fussy and expect others to be the same when handling food.


I've seen shops with flies too over the years, but those are a big No No for me. I just turn back and walk away. I'd rather starve than buy what they are offering. The truth is, we're eating enough garbage already as you never know the whole story, so why buy badly handled food knowingly.

I suppose the situation is even worth in other parts of the world. It's sad as with a little attention and care these things can be avoided.