I still rink Horlicks today and had no idea about the new flavors, but they just don't appeal to me. I don't think it is that well known outside of the UK. I also like Ovaltine. but haven't seen that for years now as it is imported.
I still rink Horlicks today and had no idea about the new flavors, but they just don't appeal to me. I don't think it is that well known outside of the UK. I also like Ovaltine. but haven't seen that for years now as it is imported.
We have Ovaltine in UK as well, but I haven't drank that for many years. I think the popularity of Horlicks around the world may have something to do with the British empire as according to wiki most of the countries where it's popular are part of the ex commonwealth countries, particularly in India
That makes perfect sense about Horlicks. I think Ovaltine is Swiss and will be on the hunt for it lol.