America & Canada Claim To Have Shot Down Three UFOs! Are Aliens Among Us?

In this latest episode of Rage Quit Chess, I discuss the three alleged incidents concerning unidentified flying objects. Aliens? Military? Or something else?



If so we might just be almost at the last act

Yeah, scary stuff.


They're not even hiding it now. They just call them "UFOs" lol. Before they'd call it a "weather balloon", but that's already a political bad word.

We live in strange times my friend. I'm not so sure about this one...


People have lost their minds on social media. I had to log out of twitter yesterday haha. I think the past three years have been a little tasking for everyone and people have lost their anchor. I mean - balloons, UFOs, giant red vagina clouds and a massive earthquake over the same area. previously rational folk have been pushed too far haha. Bill Gates is now being blamed for the earthquake.

Sometimes I wonder how I'm still sane and also why I keep logging onto Twitter! 🤣

Giant red vagina clouds???

I missed that one 🤣🤣🤣


Young man good to see from you. How is life!

Ahh the flying stuff, im staying out of that one indeed!

Hope all is well and greetz from Holland!

Good to see you too! Hope all is well, will give you a call if I'm ever in the area (if our new alien overlords permit it!).


They're here, they've been here all along, and will probably be here in the future.

Unless like we make tons of radioactive pollution and then the aliens will stay away. The regular pollution is already deterring them from coming and visiting.

But yeah, every fighter pilot has seen flying objects that "Aren't one of ours"
It is like an open conspiracy. Everyone knows... except the MSM keeps a lid on it, until now.

My guess is that this has to do with making the earthlings scared so that those mother WEFers can impose more lockdowns and restrictions and get the next big war going.

I 100 percent believe that last paragraph. It all seems very fishy.


Idk what’s what anymore lol but 🖖🏾👽

Lol, it's all gone crazy!


 2 years ago  

I’m suspicious of it and think it’s more related to project blue beam myself. Smelly smelly situation!