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RE: How Different Will Aliens Be?

All you are doing is anthropomorphising.

You could argue that any new species found on Earth will be part of the carbon-cycle and any plant photosynthesise. But then you find deep sea creatures who live by sulphur vents and never see sunlight.

Assuming all aliens will be bipedal is just our human arrogance coming out once more 😊 Being a biped is great for this planet, what if you lived on a water world? Or a gas giant? You would have grown up on a planet with a completely different set of pressures, thus steering natural selection in a different way.

Again "visible light" is anthropomorphic, there are soooooo many colours we don't see, which is fine for us, because we evolved on Earth.

Two sets of vocal chords? Maybe? Or perhaps zero vocal chords and an ability to transmit complex information via pheromonal exchange.

Who knows???

Fun thinking about though!



Sorry, i am not anthropomorphising.

I am trying to say something much deeper, and much more scientific.
But we do not have those sciences yet, so we do not have words for what i am trying to convey.


We have visitors from other planets here on earth.
Some of the mushrooms exist in a network that spans different solar systems.
And they have the same DNA structure.

(see Terrance McKenna and his discussion with Psilocybin)

DNA produces a certain set of characteristics.
This follows from the underlying code / structure / laws of the galaxy.
(i do not know if other galaxies have the same laws)

DNA as we know it is not inevitable, all you need for life are elements that are capable of covalent bonding. Watch this, it's very interesting.


We (the people that call themselves "scientists") do not know.

I am telling you, and any who listen, that DNA is shaped the way it is because of the universe (or galaxy) that we are in. Life is this way <=> DNA is this way. It is an underlying structure of this galaxy.

It is like the large and small nuclear forces being perfectly aligned so that we don't crush into oblivion or fly apart.

The part that tells me so, but is not understood, and rejected by modern materialistic science is the life force, that energy, that sits above the DNA and communicates through the DNA.

DNA in one view is a perfect magnetic antenna. In another view it is a perfect electrical antenna.

So, this energy that sits above it, that actual place where consciousness is formed, requires DNA to be a certain form for communication.

And, you do not have billions of DNA in your body, you have one DNA in billions of places.

What i am saying goes smack against modern materialistic science. I know that. And so i accept that this information, even though true, is not acceptable scientific theory. But it will be. It will be self evident a little ways in the future.

 2 years ago  

I found this image recently and found it fascinating!