All over the place? I have no idea what you're talking about. THREE voices?! That's it? I have no idea what you're talking about. Personality thing and dominance part.. still, no idea.
Good morning Glen! I'm glad this one is receiving a decent reward, I've noticed more and more producers vying their loyalty to the blockchain lately, it's refreshing.
I have no idea who designed the profile pic for this rant channel you speak so highly of but I'm willing to bet he's the coolest dude who's comment you've read in a looooooonnng tiiiiiime
Hey, @dandays.
There are a few of us around here who can't seem to stay in any particular lane. I think sometimes it would be nice if I could. Generally, I just let the two shoulder dudes duke it out and I go on with my day. :)
re: loyalty
Well, I blew it then, if that's the trend. :) Are we implementing a litmus test, now? I hope not. I don't know if people need to regularly trash the platform, but at the same time, thinking it's the best thing ever probably isn't exactly the case, either. Truth generally can be found somewhere in the middle.
re: coolest dude
Could there be any doubt? :)