Hearing cream. Listen up. It doesn't have to work, they'll buy it anyway. Lose weight while you sleep pills have grossed huge numbers, consumers will buy anything if it's marketed properly: Memory drinks, anti-age cream, fingernail strengtheners, hair vitalizing shock therapy, fart dust, whatever you can and can't think of. I, personally, trust no one with humorously inappropriate flatulence backed by a lingering scent of floral arrangement but that isn't what this is about, trust, it's about things I'm working on.
First I'll collect unused white toothpaste. None of that bling blue, pin-stripy stuff. Mix'em all together in a giant mixing bowl with other white products laying around the house such as, but not limited to, drywall dust, primer, salt, and powdered sugar. Maybe some egg whites, too, a handful of oatmeal and a shot of Elmer's glue. The rest is just water but I'll call it Metrolearixm-H20, a scientifically proven hearing enhancement even radio personalities can't pronounce—cha ching! They'll be rubbing that shit in their ears like sunblock faster than friendly fire in South Africa.
Autocorrect capitalized Ching without my permission. 'Make that twice. "Cha ching" is the sound of my pockets overflowing in wealth, Autocorrect, you racist bastard! If you weren't so woke, maybe you'd know wtf year it is.
Down here. Boo! How's it goin? Nice to be seen(In my file cabinet are many folders). Whenever I think of something I think's funny, I write it down followed by weeks or months or sometimes forever failing to convince myself anyone other than myself will think it's funny. I never elaborate on the damn note either—sucks. I end up having to freestyle my way through the thing. All that one said was Hearing cream. This next one says:. So that's how these start. For this one I sifted through the folder called #funny
Appreciate Telemarketers. 'Hello?' ello? O0 0 o. Pura and I changed our phone numbers recently. When we landed in Florida last year we ordered Nashville phone numbers. There's a new telemarketing robot that bothers the living shit out of all oxygen breathing mortals state side—extended vehicle warranty service.
When we left the country back in 2018, the robot was undeveloped. The first time she and I received the telemarketing call in 2020 was within a few days of actually purchasing a vehicle—convenient! "Push 1 to speak to a representative."
Half year and a half dozen robotic phone calls a day later, we changed our numbers again. California prefix again. They don't call Pura anymore, called me once. They weren't convinced I drive a two-tone 2021 Rolls Royce Phantom valued at a half million bucks. Said it doesn't qualify. "Do you have another vehicle sir?" 'I do.' Informed her of our commuter, Gulfstream G650 jet :click: Haven't heard back since—never should've pressed 1.
Be in two places at the same time in three - two... I tend to overthink things. I often remind people Kiss stands for keep it simple stupid I just can't seem to stay reminded myself. But if I'm where I am right now and if I'm where you are right now then that was easier than I thought. This next one says:
Be nicer to my wife. No-brainer. We've been shopping for property since returning to the states. Apartments are so scarce right now, we secured the unit we're currently in sight unseen. Our lease expires in September, we'll relocate. Something a little bigger, a little more comfortable, permanent if it's a good deal, whatever else I can say right here that'll detour you from the truth which is I suck at parking.
Pura needs a bigger kitchen. I'd love it if she had a center island, she really wants one. And more than one sink, things a chef needs—space. She's a chef. I'm always in her way in the kitchen. If I'm doing dishes, she needs the oven. If I'm putting away groceries, she needs the fridge. The pantry is across from the fridge so we can only be in one at a time, she needs a bigger kitchen.
In the meantime, I'll be the husband I vowed to be. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Pura happy. Can't believe I didn't think of it sooner—stay out!
Dishes aren't worth the hassle. I'm not gonna cramp her space by washing dishes anymore, they're just dishes.
Foul language. Shit! Not sure what the fuck I meant by that. 𝙴𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜—noted.
Privacy - private parts - punk ass kids. Cinch. I'm D and A, Dan, Arts, and a handful of aliases I've shared with you in the past four years. There's a reason for that. She's already in there, she can do them, I'll only be in the way. #SayNo2Elbow2Elbow. If I need something from the pantry, I'll ask her to get it for me instead of getting it myself. Same with drinks, sinks, microwaves and putting dishes away. Our kitchen's bigger than I thought. Next:
I don't have kids but all my friends do, nearly all of them anyway, I watched each of them grow up. They did it at the exact same time their parents :stop: It's a cycle. I know how you grew up, too, how you were raised, specifically those of you :flash: tuned in who :flash: are 30 years of age and :flash: younger. :flash: :flash: :flash:
Since infancy the neighbor, grandma, stranger Bob, Aunt 2 Time Tammy, dad, mom, dad again, mom and dad 143 more times before dinner had a camera in your face. Sorry'bout that. I warned'em all to stop, they said "you don't know what it's like to have kids!" Fair enough. Now look.
Kids I know nothing about which are your kids by the way, have no realistic comprehension of what it means to never owning rights to a sent photo ever again until they've existed approximately three decades. That's a lot of sends. I don't think your camera up their ass the instant Doc smacked it was a good idea. Now look.
Of course they're comfortable holding a sign at chest level complete with birth name, age, family history, educational achievements including but not limited to instructor, name and address of University on their first day at social media. They've been sending dick pics since 6th grade. This next one says:
Remember cool things. Oh hell yes. I'm so over remembering shitty things. For some reason it's not out of the ordinary to need a reminder of past cool things however sometimes forgetting past shitty things is impossible like driving a car from the trunk of the car and the steering wheel's locked. And there's no engine.
Cutting forgettable conversations short will save time. Soon as someone opens their mouth that I won't remember anyway, I can stop'em before they waste their breath, 'shut up! I won't remember this.' If I set an alarm clock to be somewhere at a certain time but later on in life I can't remember being there anyway then setting the alarm clock was a waste of time. Arrive on my time.
I won't have to pretend I'm listening when I'm really not if it's a memory I'll cherish in the future, I'll just listen. Remember cool things, can't wait. Naked woman like really, really naked woman running for her life from the bad guy, covered ears, hidden in a crouched position on a yellow and gold linoleum floor under the kitchen table at age four—'forget.' The first two helicopters rides—'remember.' One more:
One more hand. I wish! Three is not a crowd when it comes to hands. I'm often too busy with the two I got I'll occasionally hurt my shoulder giving myself an atta boy. If I had a third hand whose sole responsibility was to congratulate myself, production would increase by 33%. 'Gimme a hand woulda ya.'
I am supposed to believe that you get a third hand, and you will pat yourself with it? Sure homie, especially after that Ass video, lot's of "patting"
Eh, get ahold of yourself. There's fuckin kids here. I didn't watch the entire minute and 49 second clip so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Think about it. You could pedal, eat a sandwich, and take a piss without making a mess.
Thank you, Mr. Privat. Always a pleasure sir.
Hahaha you managed to flip my comment and make it even funnier...Enough with the fun Artie!!!
I hope your next kitchen includes an actual dishwasher!!! It’s the one appliance that has helped our marriage and that kids now have the privilege of packing for their pocket money 😂
I don’t do dishes or ironing. Who needs a completely smooth shirt anyway?
Hey what's up traveler extraordinaire? Making time for me in your busy excursion schedule, I feel the love all the way over here.
Oh we have a dishwasher, heck yeah. I forgot to mention it, I won't bother emptying it anymore cuz she needs her space. I don't wanna cramp her style.
I hear ya about wrinkly shirts, I'm not wearing one now because it had a crease in the neck.
😂 dishwashers save the world! I’m busy with my Cape Point hike post so standby for a lot more hiking coming to Hive shortly 😜
Sounds good lol ))) rub more on sounds better..
'Say what?'
Dishwasher tabs are a small fortune in Thailand. Here is the link if you want to buy some.
hybrid_pc=1&stm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2F https://shopee.co.th/Finish-Quantum-Power-Ball-Dishwasher-Cleaning-Tablets-18pcs-i.13026963.9016492742?
Probably fake Chinese ones, but even so I was shocked when I arrived here but not as much as my wife was when I bought some. She was shocked and confused as we don't even have a dishwasher. We don't even have hot water but that's just how it is. I simply needed to prove a point that Tesco was much cheaper and Clubcard points are infinitely better than Shopee points.
With a very large kitchen island, you could sit at one side scribbling down funny things whilst your better 51% created culinary masterpieces at the other side. From time to time, you could catch each other's eye and share that 'knowing' smile; Yup, those damn Finish Quantum are expensive in Thailand.
Finally, could you ask your wife to write a guest blog post? I'm not getting bored with you but I don't get that tingle of excitement I used to do when I see your name appear in my feed. Just a thought.
Just one reply to this and we'll call it a draw on this thread. Yet again I've struggled to find a worthy reply so a confirmation of having read my comment will be satisfactory. Thank you.
I read it. You're welcome.
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹
(As if!)
Tell me more about this tingle. Is it a numbing sensation or a sleepy one and what's a typical duration for said sensation? Am I the only name that triggers the tingle? If not, example me a few tingling authors so I can better understand where you're coming from. I'm itching to know.
The previous paragraph is a last ditch effort to #BringTingleBack cuz I've asked her a gajillion times dude. You and several others have hinted at a guest appearance. She ain't feelin it.
Maybe if kids would stop eating the damn things, there wouldn't be such a demand. Cheaper to get new clothes.
Always a pleasure @nathen007
You had me cracking up from the word hearing cream and on.
Are you a script writer or background in professional writing?
Anyways I was going to make more detailed comment but that "Hot babes twerking in public, stores and the walkways ft Big booty hot babes" video had me lose track.
I mean it is featuring -Big booty hot babes. I was curious who they were. I might have too watch again or a few times more to understand the meaning BEHIND this video.
Lose what? :wink:
Hey wassup @dynamichivers? I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you. Thanks for sending the troops, I'm honored to be considered worthy.
These comedy kind I'm a mess.. All sweaty palm n shit staring at the post button like all minute and forty six point three seconds of that video so I appreciate the compliment.
Negative. In fact, this is my first and only social media type experience still. What you're seeing, we're seeing for the first time together.
I actually had to stop reading and come back a few times, as I couldn't stop laughing and had to digest this masterpiece.
The comedy and visual story telling was superb. I honestly thought I crossed paths with a comic script writing genius I was laughing so hard.
Truly, top notch work here my man!
I've written and reworded this so many times now. Insert the most appreciative way to say thank you.
I arrived here thinking photos, there will be lots of photos.....but nooooooooooooo
What kind of building is that, um, interesting mural painted on?
I'm getting the impression throughout your post that you combined at least four potential posts together into this one. Am I off the target with that one?
You so get it where the kitchen is concerned. You've learned, do not interrupt that food creation flow. I'm so proud of you!!! I sure hope Pura gets the kitchen that fits for her needs. Kitchens are very important in my mind.
If you had nine claws, this would never be an issue. I recommend stretching exercises at the very least and maybe just get an extra hand implanted..attached to an extra arm of course 😉
Have you been following me to Wednesday group? SIA... Space Invaders Anonymous is supposed to be anonymous, it's in the mufukin name for fucks sake. No idea what I meant by foul language. Still trying to figure that shit out. 🤔
Negative, just one post. Those two or three word notes were all I had in the funny folder. Grabbed it ranted. I probably shoulda titled this one something improv something cuz that's how this one developed. Pick a note—bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.
That one is at a biker church. I snapped several that day and thought it flowed well for this one. Ok, I'm going back in character now.Hola @nineclaws, how's it? Thanks for keeping an eye on me. 💖 Bible Belt, that's what they call this part of the country. I'm currently working on another one with all the God, churchy, billboard, anti-abortion propaganda this joint is consumed by.
Go climb an Apple tree!
⬆️ That's real. It's everywhere, all I have to do is point and click.
Following you to SIA on Wednesdays...hmmmm...no, unless I traveled there in some way I am unaware of. I reserve Wednesdays for special interactions, so maybe that's been an influential anonymous factor. 🤔
One post! I'm impressed, you have a lot of lettuce in this salad. You've left an indelible mark of memory in my mind, so both eyes on you.
A biker church! I totally love it. Are you going to have something similar installed on your car? I think you need to alter the message just a teeny bit, if that's the case.
That apple tree, well, last week, I gave climbing it serious thought. Just a wee hold back on doing it since it's literally on the edge of a ravine and I need to get my tree climbing abilities back up to where they were before I attempt picking any golden apples of wisdom during tree meditation.
I'm not gonna copy pasta that part about
andindelible mark
cuz if I didn't type it out long form it may not seem as genuine when I say 'nicest thing I've read all week.'I already have a glowing halo over the bike rack that says 𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝕸𝖊, Faith is a no-brainer.
Awwww, thanks, so glad you didn't. I can't eat wheat pasta, I'm allergic.
This is hilarious 🤣 :
Someone bit into that golden apple long ago and beat me to it, so no golden apples for me!
Careful not to confuse it with the family tree.
Oh, that would never happen, not in infinity.
Metrolearixm-H20, I'll take a bottle of that stuff, when do you expect to have it on the shelves of Martwall.
It has to be cheaper than hearing aids.
While I'm at it I might as well pick up a bottle of that fart dust, even though my shit doesn't stink. It will be good to have around when those that do fart come to the farm.
Between your two-tone 2021 Rolls Royce Phantom valued at a half-million bucks, your Gulfstream G650 jet, and my yacht, I guess we would be considered to be part of those despicable one-percenters.
Who would have figured?
So you need a bigger kitchen, why? With the game plan you laid out in order to stay the heck out of Pura's way, if you could pull that off, a bigger kitchen would be the last thing you should be looking for in your next place.
I've heard the term woke a few times over the past several months, always wondering what the heck it meant.
Looked up the new definition, SOCIAL AWARENESS, I think I've been woke for a while now, at least I think so.
The NOW Look links you included were not shocking as this type of behavior seems to be the new standard for some idiots. As is the case with all issues when raising children, the parent needs to be an active participant, set boundaries, have consequences, and stick to their guns.
Think about some of the shit we have both experienced, sex, drugs, and rock and roll say it all. Any behavior can become excessive and that is where good parenting comes into play. Despite all of the guidance a kid can get from their guardians/guard, the chances of still making a poor choice is probably close to 50/50
Talking the talk is easy, walking the walk is a whole other game!
Kicked up the pics of your property again this morning, what a beautiful piece of dirt.
You say you're looking for a new place to live. Within the near future, you may never have to look again.
Back not too long ago, cool stuff was cool partially because of the simplicity of it all.
Cheaper than what? Say that again please.

Wassup my man? Took me a minute to get to this one. I wanted to respond properly. We missed those 10 days property hunting, Pura's really been making up for it since. We've been so aggressive trying to lock down at least two units and damn if everyone ain't being more aggressive.
That acreage we got plus a duplex/triplex, something along those lines would make us pretty comfortable for the next couple decades. I'm way outta character right now ain't I? See what you do to me, Bob?
Shit doesn't stink. <-- Good one! When I read Pura the claim on that fart pill, she thought it was part of my joke! lol. Really, she's laughing and laughing but all I was doing was reading the bottle on the internet like 'nah, really. It really says that, I'm not making this up.'
Woke. It's too easy to crack jokes about it:
Dear woke attendees, Nicole Ritchie married a Rothschild. I'm going back to sleep now.
Oh my friend you know as well as I, the things we've experienced. Thank God video cameras weren't a click away back then!! These poor kids today are screwed. I don't know about you but that one photo of me playing in the sprinkler butt naked always drove me crazy when my mother was alive. I know it well. I'm holding the garden hose spraying water in the front yard with the German Shepherd I had at the time next to me, Shadow. Today's youth: +/- 1,000 watering the yard pics before they can walk.
What's a few more at 15? Double down by 16. Digital file cabinets at 21. Then somewhere around 30-35 they slow down. By 40 it's all brakes. Then somewhere around [[𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖]] is an awe moment. Not just the toddler ones, either, but aaawwwwwwwwweee of them. Hashtag PublicRecord now. Like a BK but worse.
Then again I don't have kids so wth do I know??
That one right there. ⬆️ That's what took me so long to put this response together. 👍🏿
Wassup with you my friend. It sounds like you guys have been really busy, nothing wrong with that, boredom sucks.
Staying in one place for a few decades, I'll put the odds of that at 100 too 1.
You don't have to have kids to see what the heck is going on. We had some visitors, our son and his family, they got here Tuesday night and left yesterday. While they were here, they were so consumed with their gizmos and gadgets that require internet service that I turned the dam thing off, told them it was broken and would be down for a while.
Following some suggestions by them on how I could fix the problem, they finally gave up trying to get me to fix it.
After about an hour it was all fun and games, a little hoops, some fishing and swimming, a wonderful hike where we kicked up a doe and two little guys, still sporting spots. I broke out my Native American Survival Guide and we got involved with making a hunting spear and the list goes on.
If they didn't put down all of their electronics, including my 12-year-old granddaughter's phone, none of that would have happened. Kids miss out on so much these days with their heads buried in so much nonsense, it drives me a little crazy.
I've got a few of those pictures from another lifetime and some of them still make me blush, kind of cute but still a little embarrassing.
Have a wonderful weekend and give Pura my regards!
You got it. But your response warrants a request sir.
I invite you to put that adventure in an article. Everything you just told me, all of it, but in a @thebigsweed kinda way.
That sounds like a great idea, but I may have to change the names to protect the innocent. 😁
Give me a few hours and I'll take a few pics of the interior of Ryan's Rec-Room, my bad, I almost forgot.
I'm still conjuring an adequate response dude. You're the only one on standby, I'm not pussin out, you just require more time
Gotta get summa that hearing cream, for a second I thought you said 2 places at once and third hand. Watched a film like that once but it had nuttin to do with a sandwich, might a had some pee in there tho.
Can't say I follow on cuttin down the cussing... That'd be half my vocabulary fucked.
Still good to have 20 minutes to catch up on hive life. As always nice one @dandays
Sincerely, some dickhead
I've used Sam Wiches as an alias before. Hugh G. Rekshun. Phil McCrevis. Hairy Sachsdon. No Parts.
Cuz you said sandwich. Yup, that's pretty much how the #funny folder works.
Wassup man? Just got overwhelmed by blogging or is it something else? Nice to hear from you. I appreciate you keeping an eye on me. Ya'all losin your shit over there like Ed?
spɹɐʍʞɔɐᙠ, it only works if you say it spɹɐʍʞɔɐᙠ—No Parts.
Nah keepin shit together for the most part here, see Ed about which is always good. Guess overwhelmed is pretty accurate, not the blogging, just the day to day. Time here has been a bit like pulling the old chain on the shitter lately, calmly floating nuggets followed by sudden shit storm tornados.
Down the pipe like a zombie Mario.
Strangely enough most things are better spɹɐʍʞɔɐᙠ
but no parts... I'd need alot of beer before I'd consider that one.
Hey there, I read this article first thing this morning but got busy with other stuff. My son Ryan is on his way up to visit with his wife and three kids . Had to do some house keeping and now I am going outside to enjoy the sunshine before it gives way to "severe thunderstorms". Then I will be in my BIG kitchen, with center island for some early food prep. No joke, I insisted when we built, I need a large kitchen, if nothing else. Let's face it everyone gravitates to where the food is, am I right?
I LOL at the fart dust, of course, that was after I chuckled at the hearing cream. Some of your stuff just leaves me scratching my head also .🤦♀️ But there no denying, you know how to rant. Hummm, feel better now?
Every once in awhile I may need to unload a little improv style rant. In response to your question however, not yet, but I'll keep trying.
It isn't just your head Farm-Mom, I do the same thing to myself and Pura. Got us both walking around the house like Clint Eastwoods orangutan.
Thanks for checkin this one out, I appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed it. I feel the need to apologize every time a grandma consumes my Foul Language.
Maybe that's what I meant
C'mon man, I mean wtf??? I wasn't born yesterday. Do actually believe I can't swear as much as a drunken sailor going down with the ship? Please, don't forget, I am married to the sweed and have 3 sons, the only way I can keep that crew in line is to out shout and out cuss "em all.🙄😏😁
Well versed in vulgarities and obscenities. My kinda granny.
Hearing cream and eyesight enhancers so you can hear the fart and see the fart dust would be a worthy sales pitch. Things often get sold together, this would be an easy match!
I release these things in public for this reason—feedback. I didn't recognize the error until now. You're right, I don't know what I was thinking. Farts, check! Ears, check!
𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝—noted.
Dan and Arts you need to learn a lesson or two from me.
We have the smallest kitchen in the world, believe me.
Hubs isn't even a big fella, and still we dance together all the time reaching over each others head is a chance to embrace and be sweet.
The annoyance in the voice while he is doing the dishes and getting into my way around the stove is always corrected with a kiss. (Keep it simple stupid)
You don't need an island kitchen just a little music to tango to.
One more hand for what may I ask - just use the two you have right lol.
That is enough hands for now.. only mothers with kids need a few extra sets of hands.
Well if this isn't the sweetest, endearing, most polite way anyone's ever told me I'm wrong I'm not sure what is.
this good following a correction.''Let the record show that I, @dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know has never felt -𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚍.
LOL nah i was just sharing my experience, not attempting to correct you. It just didn't come out right.. 😊
I am totally not stalking your blog right now....
As soon as you mentioned the part about consumers will buy anything if it is marketed properly, 2 very recent examples came to mind. I recently came across a seller on a social media platform who is basically selling ice in an ice holder mold for $45 to use it on the face. The sales pitch was that using ice directly on the face is a pain in the ass because your hands get cold. The comment section on that platform was very divided which was a shock because I thought a lot more people would find it absurd since you can buy a pack popsicle molds for less than $5 here and literally make ice with that.
I will just link the second more absurd example of products which a celebrity tried to market. I will loose braincells if I talk about.
Also, I really enjoy your style of writing. I think its very authentic to who you are as a person. Keep continuing what you do Dandays. I hope Pura gets the kitchen she wants and needs. Hopefully things will become a bit more spacious for both of you.
I thought everyone knew the egg that goes inside a vagina
If this, stopping by twice, is stalking then I welcome it. I'm flattered, really. I don't usually do this:
But it's not every day someone says something so nice. Thank you. I'm glad you think so. And I'm glad you found Hive. Joint wasn't the same without you.
Toenail enhancing socks—Whad'ya think?
Hahahah well you have certainly nailed the art of storytelling in your posts Dandays. Hehehhe I am glad I got to meet you through @nineclaws.
Well that's a great socks idea you have there Dandays. Make sure it helps with toe fungus as well. There ya go, you got a solid idea👌
But 2 pairs of NoFungusAmongUs get 1 free.
Outside of that, he's passed my sanity check....so far. 😜😏@moon-city, be forewarned, @dandays has a weird thing about Canadians,
"Guilty." Even my arguably favorite content producer on this whole got dang thing is Canadian. Sure as shit doesn't have anything to do with the one time I tried entering the joint!
You're too cool for Canadians and they knew it. So what Canadian am I missing out on that has such content...do tell, I need to see.
You found him already. Through me. This is fun.
Yess I agree with you Nine! He has also passed the
insanity check from me. 🥳🎉🍻🤣 E X C E L L E N T!
So you want that island In the middle Cyril using the 3rd hand to... well now you know how we swing here in African time, yup wild west, you wanna come join the fun?
Third hand could catch stray bullets, get the bread baked, straighten the face Oh waffle iron perhaps another one to load up into your hearing aid cream, just a dream!
New gadgets have a MUTE button, third finger on third hand... do it! Robotic answering machines.. misguided corporation's who forget to employ proper people MUTE them!
Have a fun weekend, thanks for taking the edge off 😄
!BEER we had prohibition lifted again, how convenient!
Hey this is a nice surprise, good morning @joanstewart. Glad I could remove some edge.
God bless SA. I'm paying attention to what's going on over there, what they'll allow me to see anyway, God bless SA. I hope by attaching random links like that, more people understand what's headed
theirour way.You know I could be drinking my coffee right now if I wasn't responding to you if I only had ANOTHER HAND!
Thank you, Joan. Much love from wherever I am.
Whichever direction... take one, not all....
Guns put to bed, barb wire rolled up, fires under control.. Woke fuck no, many other ways to express KAK or is it KISS nonetheless shit hit the fan, wait for the next installment, without an island 🙃
Need 3rd arm to steer the rudder!
Have an awesome day, not sure what's around the next corner... do you?
No. But if it's anything like what's going on where you're at or France or Australia, I don't wanna know.
Strange time to be alive.
Good time to have all you virtual fiends. 💖
Thought life was strange forty years ago, just gets a whole lot weirder... don't ask!
Virtual friends, sons and the dog have become permanent lifeline!
Strangely enough I never wanted to own a gun, now I do, am I changing too....?
Forced morals, disciplines are enough to make one want to eat your own socks 🙃
Again, cultural thing. I've seen the second word in gun control as control. But opinions vary so much from country to country we toured. Understanding everyone's logic is interesting.
I, personally, have always felt safer knowing we all have guns rather than only the authorities.
When things go out of sink, protection is not forthcoming from where it should what you pay tax for, minority come behind armed bandits in great numbers following like sheep...
Well standing naked is not going to help, there is such a thing as self-defense, thank goodness we had a good many rise up with ill-equipped authorities who still mastered the true art of defensive combat.
We all stood together to keep towns safe in little pockets, time for change is forecast, if not now when?
It's to much for me to comment on, I will just leave it in your capable hands :)
I'm glad you think they're capable, thank you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Thank you @dandays you have a great and safe week :)
for you
You've been such a supporter of my content over the years I worry about you if you're not active a few days. 😎
Oooh, wordplay!
My name is Pat...
And I am...
Doesn't look dangerous at all. The most I see is a kinked neck but it looks like she's just posing for the camera.
Thank you. My shoulder feels better already.
“They'll be rubbing that shit in their ears like sunblock faster than friendly fire in South Africa.”
I’m smelling a Shark Tank pitch🙃
VAIG—voice audible increaser gum. We'll present it in a blue/white wrapper and pitch it to Mark:
I’m in! Just cut me in for 33.3% you keep majority share🙂
I can't believe nobody's invented that gum.'
You got my cell now so hit me up direct anytime👍 But you’ve been here since only June this year. This is even more messed up what there doing to you. Anyway cheers bud. It just bums me out it’s so much it’s broken broken here that masses aren’t joining me in calling out this lack of transparency. It would seem if you don’t kiss this guys ring he destroys ur account. Anyway can you contact index guys for help? Heck they were going to get 25% of rewards donated so give it a try.
It’s just so frustrating but if I wasn’t sick as a Dog I’d of prolly been more tactful instead of raging but it’s beyond bad behavior what they did to us. Especially you who’s been here 6-8 weeks.. if you do still come up this way in August let’s do a joint video podcast making case together. Even if you wanna be anonymous you can do audio only and just video chat it sooner. Ur a good friend and I’m sorry this is happening when all you wanted was to support podcasting 2.0 & NoAgendaShow
But that’s what one chick told me on his discord. They said you abd ne were circle jerking votes off each other. It literally doesn’t make sense like at all but given you have to have rewards to donate them up to pod2.0 cast @ NA split I wanna make sure your thing gets worked out first. I will support your posts by sending you hive direct👍 Until it’s figured out. I will keep supporting ya and just support outside voting pool. I really loved this project especially with AC’s blessing.
Hey brother @adamcurry33 Don’t be insulted I stopped upvoting ur posts. Just wanted to try snd see why we got mass attacked downvoted. You are doing this to donate half or so rewards to podcasting 2.0 and no agenda so I just don’t get it bro. But apparently this guys bot isn’t gonna stop. Try reaching out urself. I even called the guy from Discord DM with no response. Dudes just trying to fuck with me but that shouldn’t effect you. Talk to the podcast index guys. You deserve better then this for literally coming here to support podcasting 2.0 and NoAgenda with half ur rewards. I’m still sick with a fever and it’s likely covid so I’m just drained. Just don’t vote for me either till ur thing is figured out. It’s lame but guilty till innocent here I guess. I’m sorry if taking such a in there face response caused issues for ya. It’s just so stupid. At least it’s a show day! #ITM
My dude switch to Decaf ☕️ 🤪
I’m moving just down the road but it’s
been crazy week. I’m not even paying attention I just felt bad if you got stress for something I did unknowingly. I’m not reaching out to anyone. If it’s still a problem in a few weeks ok we’ll figure it out. Thank you for the support and yes that’s fine.
Man I wish I had some coffee myself. How you feeling?
Steph said please order us coffee🤷🏼♂️
I told her you the king of Starbuck coffee run Vlogs! We hate Starbucks but the line is gonna be nuts. Wanna hook us up?
Look at text message
Only if you promise to post a pic! Give me a shoutout🤣
Haha 😆 ☕️

I’m talking to u I’m talking to u
I’m talking to Eugene 🤘
Damn autocorretc.
Peace a crepe.
It's no good a tall.
Ducking thing bucks
Try turning it often back on
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