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RE: Cheaters & Bots

I agree about the community, that's what's kept me here the whole time. Despite some of the bad apples, we have a lot of wonderful people that definitely overcomes the hurdles we have to go through sometimes! :)

ps... I don't know the league level you play at, but just remember in the weekly tournaments everyone that wins at least one match will earn a pack. I can delegate you some level 3 summies if that helps, I'd like to see you get a bigger pack (if you want)! Just let me know if so :)


Good community and teams are the best!

I'm playing Silver (though I'm now in Gold). That's an awfully nice offer. Hmm, I know you mean well and this may sound weird - but getting cards for a tourney delegated from said tourney's organizer somehow doesn't sound quite right to me. If I wanted to, and I might, I could rent some cards. Hah - I think I have an Alric rented from you 😀 because I knew you wouldn't do the EOS cancelling stuff. Thanks again!

lol... I won't charge you so if anything I'd only be guilty of wanting you to play and earn some free packs, which I think is ethical. :P But its up to you, the offer stands now or anytime you want.

ps.. I'm helping because you are nice and were frustrated, plus you liked the NFTs from last year too! All good reasons :)

You really are too kind. Maybe I'll come back to your offer at some point. For now, I'll battle with what I have, and I do have some Lvl 3 summoners, and - it's o.k. For me - it is a game.

Don't fall for this guy and his self-interest manipulation. He just wants you to be his slave, just like he has done to everyone else that he hoodwinks with his fake "help". He just wants attention and approval from the community by pretending to be doing it from the goodness of his heart, but its really only for future benefits and nothing else. He has a gigantic bot farm, that he keeps quiet while he pretends that only "bad apples" are doing shady things. These people have been stealing from the community for years now, by hiding what they really do in secret. Everyone falls for their dirty tricks, because he uses the bribe method to convince you to play for him, so he can "help" you.

His entire guild is a mobster style network, that steals from people and the game. He and his "friends" get away with it because they are friends with the game developers. They can steal and cheat as much as they want, and then go on witch hunts to remove the competition who try to get in the way of their monopoly. Thats how this game really works.