Recharging myself when my phone wants a day off.

It's now three days later and after (not) waking up this morning, I still felt like my coffee needed another coffee, as previosly described in the day after the day after. So here is what I did: I had two coffees.

As an added (not) joke, I could mention that i am pretty much feeling like my phone's battery, as of late:

Drained and with serious difficulties to charge above a certain percentage.

It's okay though, this is what holidays are for, I guess. To work on this by not working
which is my specialty anyway, being a writer and crypto currency investor

In all honesty, with the kind of life that I have been living in the last couple of years, you might think that I would know how to charge myself or not drain myself ( being my own boss and all ) but hey, I am only human ( and even of that I am not 100% sure... ) and I tend to be quite a bit more sensitive than the average person ( or worse at faking it ).

To get back to my phone...

It started having issues with charging, 2 days ago, which might have to do with the fact that I left my original charger at my home ( am house sitting at my sister's place now ). Unlike most people, who would immediately order a new charger online or go to a store to see if their phone needs fixing, I actually tend to delay this process and use this as an 'opportunity' a challenge.

It's a chance to not only be more offline and in the now, but also to gain awareness over this 'normalized' addiction ( not unlike coffee ) to a device that has gained a bit too much power in my life/our lives, especially since I got myself my first smartphone, a little over a decade ago.

The above is probably what I need, although I always feel it's actually about finding some sort of balance between time for ourselves and spending time with others ( those who actually energize us ).

It's funny though that it seems harder to recharge, when my phone hardly seems to want to charge its battery at all. I guess this tells us something about the power that cellphones/smartphones have gained over us in my life/our lives. It's like they are more than a limb, almost an organ and when they are exhausted or even dying on us we feel this huge energy drain, even more since we seem to be programmed to believe that it's these devices that connect us to the outside world ( if you would have predicted this in the year 2000, people would laugh in your face at this ).

I certainly wouldn't have seen this coming a quarter of a century ago.

FYI: I own a cellphone since the year 2000, the day of my 19th birthday and it was an unasked for 'gift' from my parents, who wanted to stay in touch as I had just started going to University.

Although, now I think of it, I remember writing a script for a never to be made short film, around the year 2005. In this story a family was only communicating via text messages, including asking for things at the dinner table and the parents wishing each other good night from the other side of the bed.

It wasn't that far from the (future) truth, I guess ;<)

Anyhow, I'm about to take some time off from my laptop ( which is still working fine ). The plan is to recharge at the river beach and to go there without my phone. It is empty anyway ( my phone's battery not the beach ). With my last percent of battery, earlier today, I managed to message this friend and he confirmed that his kids and he will be there, later this afternoon, before they go on holidays, tomorrow. It will be fun out there and even more without this extra limb/organ to ask for my attention or steal my energy, like the li'l parasite that it is ;>)

All (not) kidding aside, I trust that I will soon find a way to charge my phone again. Until that time, I will try to make the most of being a bit more offline than I'm comfortable with, even though I know all too well how healthy it is to be a bit more disconnected and thus actually connected ( with the world and the people around us ).

Vincent 1 - Phone 0

and I'm not talking about battery percentage here. In fact, right now, I would beat my phone by a street length in that department as I seem to be charging minute by minute since my phone has been off/empty.

From Giphy

I am heading to the beach...

Enjoy your day!✨

And if you're still reading, I would like you to answer this question:

What kind of person are you? What do you do when your phone stops charging?

P.S. If you didn't know already, I have been working on a story (future book?) about many of these themes ( disconnectedness, parasites, energy and feelings, among other things ). It's called 'The Monster of Disco and the Other Monsters'. The name of the main monster actually comes from disconnectedness, although it also likes to dance. The other monsters stand for forces/voices/emotions that often seem to work against us, as we haven't learnt how to deal with them. More on all of that can be read in The Ultimate Guide to the Monster of Disco and the Other Monsters


I feel as you do Vincent, to some degree...
though definitely do not see my phone as a limb or an organ 😱😱😱 Yikes! It is a convenient tool for now, but I look forward to times when even the daily messaging that I use it for (Signal) might be done through psychic and telepathic means, instead of having this radioactive device heating up my hands 😲
When my battery is low on my phone it might coincide with my being low energetically too, as it is usually true that outer life reflects inner and viceversa: if I see that my battery is totally empty, it can be a joy to have no means of being interrupted - I welcome that indeed!
Hope you get recharged in every sense, very soon 🤲🌟🙏💝

I feel as you do Vincent, to some degree...
though definitely do not see my phone as a limb or an organ 😱😱😱 Yikes!

Us writers tend to exaggerate a bit, right?
but only a li'l bit ;<)

It would indeed be nice to message more in a telepathic/psychic kind of way. We will get there, over time and hopefully in a non creepy way.

Just returned from the beach, recharged. Now it's up to my phone to see if it can do the same.
If not, tomorrow is another day and I will enjoy a quiet(er) evening.

Sending a hug!✨


7% and charging...

Hustling Mr Krabs GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

 7 months ago  

It’s definitely important to get time away from technology! I try to do that fairly regularly these days even if it’s just for 30 minutes to an hour. It feels great! I want to eventually get to a place where I can be outside away from the cell towers and shit, to really clear the magnetic fields that are surrounding us and get my energies balanced.

Not getting a new charger on time makes sense. You’d be able to focus on other important parts of your life and not just your phone

Yeah exactly but having a working phone in a couple of days will be useful, as I am about to travel on the 20th ;<)

Sometimes it is hard to charge ourselves. Bloody life and its nonsense.

On the phone, I had a phone that didn't charge but it charged wirelessly. Which was alright. But eventually I realised the battery itself was goosed. Which was a right pain

I read about wirelessly charging phones today. Thought that would be handy. Not a fan of chargers and cables. Let alone of how they are all somewhat different and often crap quality so the big brands keep making (more) money.

I am feeling quite recharged and refreshed after a bit of a swim and chilling and reading a book at the beach. Unfortunately I didn't find/meet my friend. He might have messaged me, but I'll find out about that as soon as my phone is charging and switched on, once again.

Almost feels like the good ol' days ;<)

Sounds like a good recharging to me!!

That's what I like about wireless charging. The same one works over all my wireless stuff so I don't have to upgrade every five minutes!

 7 months ago  

It's CRAZY how we have to go through this massive thought process to leave our phones behind!