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RE: Russia Is Sooooo Far Away

in Rant, Complain, Talk14 days ago (edited)

What a poor argument that stationing US troops and bases in Europe would serve the USA's "own security". It has served its own imperial ambitions.

The distance between Alaska (around 730.000 people living there) and the United States proper is many thousands of kilometers and all of Canada. So, the green T-shirts argument still is true, and it has not one but two oceans in between itself and its sought out enemies.
That you see it differently is due to your wishes, but it doesn't change the facts.


That the Russians could even contemplate such an insane act and pose a real threat from this side is a stretch and is merely intended to support your thesis that Russia intends to replace the USA in its role.

You are speaking in the subjunctive as far as Russia is concerned. The USA has never been directly attacked by Russia, there have never been concrete wars between these two nations where the Russians would have entered the land of the Americans.

The moment when the Russians ventured far too close to the American continent was at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis and we all know how the States reacted. An imposition that America would not tolerate on its shores under any circumstances. But Russia shall keep it cool?

It's no secret, that USA and EU led a proxy war in Ukraine with Russia as its end enemy to be destroyed in this process. For this, you had to build up the strong propaganda that Russians leadership is the new Hitler.

If the geographical neighborhood is so “close” as you describe, why all the bases in Europe? From Germany to Poland and other countries in the far east? The USA has an estimated eight hundred military bases around the world.
Since the end of the last world war, the USA has risen to become a superpower and has clearly had more threat potential than any other nation. That Russia has seen itself threatened by this is a thought your brain seems to have trouble wrapping itself around. You haven't said a word in this blog about the fact that the West has broken all assurances regarding Russian security concerns. As if it doesn't have the right in uttering its fears towards an ever bigger becoming danger.

Russia, with its history and geographical proximity to the European countries, has been attacked by Western powers, by Napoleon as well as by Hitler. They have suffered countless losses of their own soldiers and civilians and the memories of this are vivid. When has the USA ever suffered such heavy losses - 27 million people - in its history?
Only an imperial mind is capable of thinking of other countries solely as empires, and nothing is more dangerous than a dying empire taking on paranoid traits.

The fact that Russia saw itself under pressure from Nato on the one hand and on the other was supposed to watch as the Russian-born and Russian-speaking population in Ukraine were degraded to subhuman status, their language banned, their Orthodox church closed and they were killed from 2014/2015, an estimated 15,000 in number, does not seem to be a fact that you have bothered to research.

Americans, by comparison, would they stand by and watch if US-Americans in the French-speaking part of Canada were banned from speaking their language and killed? You can imagine the brother nation that Ukrainians and Russians are in a similar way. Especially on the eastern border.

Zelensky himself has Russian as his mother tongue. You could hardly distinguish Ukrainian from Russian as an outsider, when you walk along some people speaking it.

We in Europe have lived with the Russians for the last thousand years on a continent uninterrupted by anything, no high mountains and no sea separate us from each other and we will have to get along with the Russians for the next thousand years as well. It would therefore be wise not to behave hysterically, but to recognise the reality of Russia's neighbourhood. And to make peace with it. Since that is what the Russians want, too. They long ceased to be communists since they learned in recent history that to occupy a conquered Germany is of no use.

If they were to incorporate the whole of Ukraine, what would the administration of such a large country look like, especially if the majority of Western Ukrainians learnt to hate the Russians with all their hearts? To take on such a responsibility would be doomed to failure, just as all occupations of a country are doomed to failure if the population rejects the occupation.
Russia's goals have always been clearly formulated: No Nato-enlargement and an end to the persecution and killing of Russians in eastern Ukraine, just like the demilitarisation of the zone.

But after all the Minsk Agreements had been broken by the West and it became clear that Germany and France were in no way guarantors of Russia's security, the Russians felt they had exhausted all means. Who are you to judge? Europe is not a bloc. There are no people who speak European, there are Germans, English, Spaniards, Romanians, Hungarians, Italians, etc. - Each individual country should negotiate its own affairs with the other nations of the world and resolve them in a diplomatic manner.


Who are you to judge?


No argument? I figured as much.
