Mi regreso a HIVE / My return to HIVE [ESP-ENG]

Bienvenidos a un nuevo post querida comunidad de HIVE, espero se encuentren muy bien y en esta oportunidad vengo a hacerle un post donde les informo que vuelvo nuevamente a esta buena comunidad de la cual estuve ausente debido a que mi laptop tuvo una falla donde se le daño la pantalla y no tenia como arreglarla, pero encontré una excelente solución:


Fuente: Captura tomada con mi teléfono celular y monitor de mi propiedad

¡Así es! lo que hice fue conectarle un monitor a mi laptop y ahora puedo seguirla usando tranquilamente, la conexión lo hice por medio de un cable HDMI


Fuente: Captura tomada con mi teléfono celular


Fuente: Captura tomada con mi teléfono celular

Gracias a esto puedo volver a usar mi laptop y ahora si seguir en esta comunidad que tanto me encanta. El monitor lo obtuve gracias a un cliente de la tienda de un familiar que me lo regalo gracias a mi buen desempeño en mis estudios que ando cursando de mecatrónica industrial.

como podrán ver ahora mi laptop la uso con su pantalla apagada


Fuente: Captura tomada con mi teléfono celular

No saben la alegría que me causa ahora si tener mi laptop operativa en digamos su segunda vida y bueno acá estaré para ustedes para traerles buenos posts y compartir con ustedes en todo lo que podamos en esta buena comunidad, hasta la próxima y espero verlos en una pronta oportunidad queridos amigos.

1-este post es solamente informativo.



Welcome to a new post dear HIVE community, I hope you are feeling very well and on this occasion I come to make a post where I inform you that I am returning again to this good community from which I was absent because my laptop had a failure where It damaged the screen and I had no way to fix it, but I found an excellent solution:


Source: Capture taken with my cell phone and monitor that I own

That's how it is! What I did was connect a monitor to my laptop and now I can continue using it safely, I made the connection through an HDMI cable


Source: Screenshot taken with my cell phone


Source: Screenshot taken with my cell phone

Thanks to this I can use my laptop again and now I can continue in this community that I love so much. I obtained the monitor thanks to a customer from a relative's store who gave it to me thanks to my good performance in my studies that I am pursuing in industrial mechatronics.

As you can see now, I use my laptop with its screen off.


Source: Screenshot taken with my cell phone

You don't know the joy it brings me now to have my laptop operational in let's say its second life and well I will be here for you to bring you good posts and share with you in everything we can in this good community, until next time and I hope to see you in a future early opportunity dear friends.

1-this post is for informational purposes only.

 2 months ago  

Great job figuring out a workaround to the tech issue you had! There’s not a lot of things more frustrating than a broken piece of hardware!

It really is very frustrating not having my main equipment operational but I was able to solve it and that is the important thing, thank you very much for the support!It really is very frustrating not having my main equipment operational but I was able to solve it and that is the important thing, thank you very much for the support!