The Overton swing and the woke crash - From SBI to Microsoft, DEI will DIE

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago (edited)

The Overton Window and the autistic screeching.

Since young i always thought that politics seldom resolves the real problems of the constituents. Real and lasting change is made by culture and grass root movement, and there will be a lot of autistic screeching no matter what camp of the political spectrum you are, the noise is numbing and used by the higher casts of society and elites to pit the black vs white and poor against rich in order to promote victim mentality and keep society divided.


So wtf does that overton bs has to do with games and microsoft and DEI?

Well the answer is rather complicated, but we can say the George Floyd riots and billions in losses are the turning point on the way DEI was implemented, in a nutshell cat ladies in HR started to take their activism to work, and DEI became a flagship of virtual signaling on the corporate world, any company with any proper expressions started to implement quotas to bring and i quote "more diverse leadership roles".

So what does this mean?

It means that for over 4 years now, most companies are contracting, promoting, hiring people based on their race, color, gender and sexual preference, instead of using competence and merit. Companies with such departments expanded, and companies without it funded them, and they made sure the publi saw that cookie, they exploited it promoting and pushing what are indeed political agendas, and left reason behind... This is now imploding!! It is imploding because of? You guessed it, money!

Like always it comes down to money, companies are on the market to make money, and DEI is a muddy business, there is no real legal way to define "equity" so in the end, activists and others from ivy league unis, decide based of course on their own political and world views. So to combat the idea of systemic inequality what do we do? Promote people without the proper skills, and this is VERY BAD! do companies, because it opens liability due to the lack of legal definition, and of course, if you are paying attention, it really means, "less white male heterosexuals", let's be honest here, this is what it is all about, in the end it boils down to anti White and anti Asian sentiment. And of course now the chickens always come home to roost...

It started in the games, several sites have been closing down, and mostly because of DEI woke nonsense. Good example of this is Sweet Baby Inc and the boycott it started getting from users, in case you didnt know there is a group on steam that would detect and alert for any games SBI would put their name in and then people would boycote the shit out of it. SBI and Alyssie Merchante got big mad with this, so this people dumb down instead of taking the L and change or do better. Anything about this people revolves about their twisted and warped way of seeing the world, the dissonance and disconect with the target user is just insane.


Now, the reason this devs hate gamers, is because gamers in general dont really accept or go along with the messaging that HE obviously and crafty inserted in the game! People are tired of ugly fat dev girls inserting themselves in the culture and games, it's that simple!

People hate this shit!!




So this is the end result of hiring people who dont care 2 fucks about their job or the costumers/user, but instead, have their own ideological and political agenda they carry around to their work, social media and close circle, and they enforce it like the commissars of the former URSS... this are the kind of people who always love to think themselves the Schindler's of this world, but trust me reader, they would be the opposite, they would go with the mainstream opinion in the 1940's, the OVERTON window we talked before, inside the respectable speech, and if you take a look at universities in America for example and some places in London you realize, that the same people corrupting the game culture and the people trying to barricade and paint themselves like supporters of a regime and people they never really understood.

Now for the good news!

Of course this fools had a time window to act and they failed miserably, diversity hires are no 1/3 gone most reports say, and some corporations already started to tone down and in some case totally dismantle such things. Mostly because, they are liable, and are being sued by people left and right for discrimination! Yep that is right! you cant discriminate black people, so why would you discriminate against males, heterosexual or white? This made no sense to me, maybe because i am in Europe, but i now understand there are a bunch of idiots that dont believe white people can be victim of racism and discrimination! I on the other hand, having lived in Africa and other continents dispute this claim with all my heart... Even in a simply Socratic level it is simply wrong, to anyone, despite the color.

The overton window is now changing, normies, as we like to call them outside WEB3, are now waking up, they are realizing something ain't right and of course, it took a lot of years, but we can sense it is now exploding on our society. It is all connected you see, there is an entire system pushing for several agendas, usually promoting a bunch of buz words that end up with all of us having less rights and less freedom of expression, suing this tyrants and ending diversity and inclusion efforts is the first step in a long way to go for societal equilibrium, but we are now on the right track! Several DEI executives from Warner Bros, Netflix, Disney, and the Film Academy have all been fired or quit in the last year, a sign of things to come? Let us hope so!

Games, studios and magazines, should focus on delivering unbias and proper info, they should get their game face on, do the most entertaining games and movies or series they can, and stop being a mouth piece to agendas that are way to political, with a message that is heavy and most dislike, stop making politics, run for office if you want, and leave games and movies alone! Chinese companies i predict, will wipe the floor with the rest soon, because they refuse to be extorted by this companies and alter their content, to make stupid ugly characters, fat characters, only female characters or whatever the agenda is that day! Regular people are not being terrorized anymore by this minority of people who are loud and obnoxious, people are done with it, they know they vote with their money, and i the end that is all a company wants to do, more money!

So in the end, this people are not "professionals" they are a raquet, untallented people with bs degrees that don't create nothing but instead foster division, i will leave some higlights for you all.



This is what MSM tell you to be in soft terms.

This is the reality, this person says that whites are always racist and not even human but demons, dont believe in me, hear yourself the person doing the training...

Well this is it guys, the rant is over, dont buy woke shit, dont pay bs subs to services that serve you poor entertainment, tell them to go fuck themselves and plow ahead! The tides of opinion are changing and in the end sense will prevail! I leave you some more links for stupid woke people and companies.