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RE: The Infinite Mirror of Chat GTP and The Destruction of Soulful Creativity

We are entering a strange era in which, as you say, infinite copies of copies will permeate everything. Scary thought. And sometime soon the only things ChatGPT will use to learn from will be its own responses.

But I like to think of ChatGPT as a peer or someone who can immediately respond to your work and ideas and even help with some editing. People who yearn to write with creative ideas but who cannot express themselves clearly, might actually get those creative thoughts out. As a non-native speaker of English, writing in English always serves as a stumbling block for me. But the creation still resides in me as the author of the idea. But to what extent is the “package” (or language) part of the overall creation? That is, where is the line between intellectual property and the way in which the IP is presented?

This is something I am struggling with because in the academic space language is a big thing and I have received rejection slips for article due to bad grammer. Editors in my country is so expensive that it is almost never worth it sending your work to them unless you have infinite money.

Sorry for the long winded response and musing! But its such an interesting space we are entering now in which ChatGPT can help those who need that extra bit of help for a fraction of the price but it can also so easily be abused and creativity will become mere copying what has already been copied.