Hahaha, it is the same for everybody :)
The lost flight and an unexpectedly pleasant compensation from the company, the frozen locks of the car (we were outside 😵 ), the hectic traffic jam in a foreigner country, I have it all in my travelling history!
I hope everything will go well with your real life duties and if they keep you away from hive, don't worry, we'll wait for you :)
Those who travel seem that face the same problems hahhaha :D
Oh, but the same, frozen handles (or locks?) of the car? That is a coincidence! It was my father's car, a Peugeot (the pretty 406 model), but he washed the car the previous day. Some water probably entered the handle and as it was -20 grades Celsius (a very cold winter, and it was night) it froze and we couldn't close it 😂 (hacked it with the key in the end, locking it so we at least could drive with all the doors closed. 🤣
Thank you a lot Fotostef, will try to be around to the point I can 😉
(hugs to @traisto 🤗)